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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, I, O, R and 2U

COUTURIERcouturier n. A person who designs haute couture (high fashion).
couturier n. A company that is owned by or employs such a person; a fashion house.
Couturier prop.n. A surname.
CURIOUSERcuriouser adj. (Informal or nonstandard) comparative form of curious: more curious.
CURIOUS adj. inquisitive.
EUROPIUMSEUROPIUM n. a rare earth metallic element.
NOURITUREnouriture n. Obsolete form of nurture.
NOURITURE n. nourishment, nurture, also NOURRITURE.
OUTFIGUREoutfigure v. (Transitive) To outthink.
OUTFIGURE v. to surpass in figuring.
PENURIOUSpenurious adj. Miserly; excessively cheap.
penurious adj. Not bountiful; thin; scant.
penurious adj. Impoverished; wanting for money.
RESIDUOUSresiduous adj. (Archaic) Remaining; residual.
RESIDUOUS adj. remaining, also RESIDUAL.
RUBINEOUSrubineous adj. Of a glassy semitransparent crimson, like a ruby.
RUBINEOUS adj. ruby-red.
TURQUOISEturquoise n. (Countable) A sky-blue, greenish-blue, or greenish-gray semi-precious gemstone.
turquoise n. (Countable and uncountable) A pale greenish-blue colour, like that of the gemstone.
turquoise adj. Made of turquoise (the gemstone).
UNSERIOUSunserious adj. Not serious; characterized by a lack of seriousness (Of attitude, approach, style etc.).
UNSERIOUS adj. not serious.
UREDINOUSuredinous adj. Relating to the uredo.
UREDINOUS adj. containing uredines, rust spores.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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