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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, I, N, 2P and U

EQUIPPINGequipping v. Present participle of equip.
equipping n. Equipment.
EQUIP v. to provide with what is needed.
PAUPERINGpaupering v. Present participle of pauper.
PAUPER v. to reduce to poverty.
PEPONIUMSpeponiums n. Plural of peponium.
PEPONIUM n. a fruit having a fleshy interior and a hard rind, also PEPO, PEPONIDA.
PORCUPINEporcupine n. Any of several rodents of either of the taxonomic families Hystricidae (Old World porcupines) or Erethizontidae…
PORCUPINE n. a large spiny rodent of various kinds, also PORPENTINE.
PULPINESSpulpiness n. The quality of being pulpy.
PULPINESS n. the state of being pulpy.
REPULPINGrepulping v. Present participle of repulp.
repulping n. The conversion of paper back into pulp.
REPULP v. to pulp again.
REPUMPINGrepumping v. Present participle of repump.
repumping n. (Physics) The use of a laser to raise an electron (in an atom or ion etc) back to a previous high state.
REPUMP v. to pump again.
SUPPERINGsuppering v. Present participle of supper.
SUPPER v. to supply with an evening meal.
UNAPPLIEDunapplied adj. That has not been applied.
unapplied v. Past participle of unapply.
UNAPPLIED adj. not applied.
UNCLIPPEDunclipped adj. Not clipped.
unclipped adj. (Informal) uncircumcised.
unclipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unclip.
UNHAPPIEDunhappied adj. (Obsolete) Made unhappy.
UNHAPPY v. (Shakespeare) to make unhappy.
UNHAPPIERunhappier adj. Comparative form of unhappy: more unhappy.
UNHAPPY adj. not happy.
UNHAPPIESunhappies n. Plural of unhappy.
UNHAPPY v. (Shakespeare) to make unhappy.
UNHIPPESTUNHIP adj. (slang) square, not trendy.
UNSHIPPEDunshipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unship.
unshipped adj. Not having been shipped.
UNSHIP v. to unload from a ship.
UNWHIPPEDunwhipped adj. Not whipped.
unwhipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unwhip.
UNWHIPPED adj. not whipped, also UNWHIPT.
UPHEAPINGupheaping n. Ascension; addition to full measure, accumulation.
UPHEAPING n. the act of heaping up.
UPLEAPINGupleaping v. Present participle of upleap.
UPLEAP v. to leap up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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