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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, I, 2N, R and Y

ANCIENTRYancientry n. (Archaic) The quality or fact of being ancient or very old.
ancientry n. (Archaic) Old-fashioned style, elaborate ceremony.
ancientry n. (Archaic) Elderly people, elders, ancients (collectively).
BARNEYINGbarneying v. Present participle of barney.
BARNEY v. to quarrel loudly.
CARNEYINGcarneying v. Present participle of carney.
CARNEY v. to coax, also CARNY.
CONNIVERYconnivery n. Collusion.
connivery n. Plotting, scheming.
CONNIVERY n. an act of conniving.
FRENZYINGfrenzying v. Present participle of frenzy.
FRENZY v. to make frantic, also PHRENSY.
INCENSORYincensory n. Thurible, censer.
INCENSORY n. the vessel in which incense is burned and offered, aka censer or thurible.
INERRANCYinerrancy n. Freedom from error.
INERRANCY n. exemption from error, infallibility.
INHERENCYinherency n. The condition of being inherent.
INHERENCY n. the state of inhering, also INHERENCE, INHESION.
INVENTORYinventory n. (Operations) The stock of an item on hand at a particular location or business.
inventory n. (Operations) A detailed list of all of the items on hand.
inventory n. (Operations) The process of producing or updating such a list.
PENGUINRYpenguinry n. A colony of penguins.
PENGUINRY n. a breeding place, or rookery, of penguins, also PENGUINERY.
PERENNITYperennity n. The quality of being perennial.
PERENNITY n. the quality of being perennial.
PYRONINESpyronines n. Plural of pyronine.
PYRONINE n. (tradename) any of several xanthene dyes, also PYRONIN.
REDENYINGredenying v. Present participle of redeny.
REDENY v. to deny again.
RENITENCYrenitency n. Alternative form of renitence.
RENITENCY n. the state of being renitent, resistent, also RENITENCE.
SYNEDRIONsynedrion n. An assembly that holds formal sessions.
SYNEDRION n. an ancient rabbinical council of 70 sages, the highest court of ancient Jerusalem, also SYNEDRIUM.
TYRANNIEStyrannies n. Plural of tyranny.
TYRANNY n. the rule of a tyrant.
TYRANNISEtyrannise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of tyrannize.
TYRANNISE v. to act like a tyrant towards, also TYRANNIZE.
TYRANNIZEtyrannize v. (Transitive) To oppress (someone).
tyrannize v. (Intransitive) To rule as a tyrant.
TYRANNIZE v. to act like a tyrant towards, also TYRANNISE.
YEARNINGSyearnings n. Plural of yearning.
YEARNING n. a strong or deep desire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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