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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing E, I, 2M, P and R

EMPORIUMSemporiums n. Plural of emporium.
EMPORIUM n. (Latin) a large trading centre.
EPIMERISMEPIMERISM n. optical isomerism.
IMPERIUMSimperiums n. Plural of imperium.
IMPERIUM n. (Latin) empire, absolute power.
MISTEMPERmistemper v. To temper ill; to disorder.
MISTEMPER v. (obsolete) to temper ill; to disorder.
MORPHEMICmorphemic adj. (Linguistics) Of or relating to morphemics or to a morpheme.
MORPHEMIC adj. of or like a morpheme.
PERSIMMONpersimmon n. A type of fruit, of orange colour, very sweet, quite astringent when immature.
persimmon n. The tree this fruit grows on, generally one of two species of ebony: Diospyros kaki (Asian) or Diospyros…
PERSIMMON n. a kind of plumlike fruit.
POMOERIUMpomoerium n. Alternative form of pomerium.
pomœrium n. Alternative spelling of pomerium.
POMOERIUM n. (Latin) an open space around a town within the walls.
PRESUMMITpresummit adj. Before a summit.
PRESUMMIT adj. preceding a (political) summit.
PRESUMMIT n. a meeting held prior to a summit.
PRIMETIMEprimetime adj. Alternative form of prime time.
prime-time adj. Alternative spelling of prime time.
prime␣time n. (Television, radio) The block of programming on television during the middle of the evening, usually…
PROOEMIUMproœmium n. Obsolete form of proemium.
PROOEMIUM n. a preface, also PROEM, PROOEMION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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