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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing E, I, 2L and 2P

APPERILLSAPPERILL n. (Shakespeare) peril, also APPERIL.
APPLIABLEappliable adj. (Obsolete) Compliant; accommodating.
appliable adj. Able to be put into use or applied; applicable.
APPLIABLE adj. that can be applied, also APPLICABLE.
CLIPPABLEclippable adj. Capable of being clipped.
CLIPPABLE adj. that can be clipped.
PAPILLATEpapillate adj. Covered in papillae.
papillate v. (Transitive) To cover with papillae.
papillate v. (Intransitive) To take the form of a papilla, or of papillae.
PAPILLOSEpapillose adj. (Botany) Bearing, covered with or resembling papillae.
PAPILLOSE adj. covered with papules or papillae, also PAPILLOUS.
PAPILLOTEpapillote n. (Cooking) A small piece of aluminum foil or parchment paper, wrapped around food during cooking.
papillote n. (Hair styling, often in the plural) A small piece of paper used to roll up hair to make it curl; a curly lock.
PAPILLOTE n. (French) a paper frill decorating the end of a cutlet or other bone.
PAPILLULEpapillule n. (Zoology) A very small papilla.
PAPILLULE n. a small papilla, a nipple-like projection.
POPLITEALpopliteal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the popliteus (the area behind the knee).
POPLITEAL adj. of or relating to the back of the knee, also POPLITIC.
PUPILLAGEpupillage n. (Law) A form of apprenticeship for prospective barristers.
PUPILLAGE n. the state of being a pupil or under age, also PUPILAGE.
PUPILLATEpupillate adj. (Zoology) Having a central spot of another color, like the pupil of the human eye.
PUPILLATE v. to cry in the manner of a peacock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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