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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing E, I, 3L and O

CELLULOIDcelluloid n. Any of a variety of thermoplastics created from nitrocellulose and camphor, once used as photographic film.
celluloid n. (Figuratively, often used attributively) The genre of cinema; film.
celluloid n. (Obsolete) An item, such as a jacket, made from celluloid.
COLLEGIALcollegial adj. Of, relating to, or ruled by colleagues.
collegial adj. (Roman Catholicism) Ruled by bishops having equal power.
collegial adj. Of or relating to a college or its students; collegiate.
DRILLHOLEdrillhole n. A hole made by a drill.
DRILLHOLE n. a hole bored in the ground e.g. for rock samples.
FILOSELLEfiloselle n. A soft silk embroidery thread.
FILOSELLE n. (French) floss silk, or a thread similar to this.
FOLLICLESfollicles n. Plural of follicle.
FOLLICLE n. a fruit which develops from a single ovary, dries out on ripening and splits on one side only to release its fruit.
HILLSLOPEhillslope n. A slope of a hill.
HILLSLOPE n. the slope of a hill.
LABELLOIDlabelloid adj. Of or pertaining to the labellum, the lower central petal of the orchid.
LABELLOID adj. liplike.
LAMELLOIDlamelloid adj. Resembling a lamella.
LAMELLOID adj. like lamellae, in thin plates.
LIBELLOUSlibellous adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of libelous.
LIBELLOUS adj. relating to libel, also LIBELOUS.
LIONCELLElioncelle n. (Heraldry) Alternative form of lioncel.
lioncelle n. (Specifically) Treated as feminine and applied figuratively to a woman; a lioness.
LIONCELLE n. a small lion used as a bearing in heraldry, also LIONCEL, LIONEL.
LOLLOPIERLOLLOPY adj. given to lolloping.
MILLIMOLEmillimole n. (Chemistry, physics) An SI unit, equivalent to 1/1000th of a mole.
MILLIMOLE n. a thousandth of a mole.
MOLEHILLSmolehills n. Plural of molehill.
mole␣hills n. Plural of mole hill.
MOLEHILL n. a little elevation of earth made by a mole, also MOLECAST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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