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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, I, J, N, R and S

BIJWONERSbijwoners n. Plural of bijwoner.
BIJWONER n. (South African) the subtenant of a farm; an agricultural labourer, also BYWONER.
CONJURIESconjuries n. Plural of conjury.
CONJURY n. conjurors' tricks, magic.
ENJOINERSenjoiners n. Plural of enjoiner.
ENJOINER n. one who enjoins.
INJECTORSinjectors n. Plural of injector.
INJECTOR n. one who injects.
JANITRESSjanitress n. A female janitor.
JANITRESS n. a female janitor, also JANITRIX.
JARGONISEjargonise v. Alternative form of jargonize.
JARGONISE v. to express in jargon, also JARGONIZE.
JERKINESSjerkiness n. The state or quality of being jerky.
JERKINESS n. the state of being jerky.
JERQUINGSJERQUING n. a search for contraband, also JERKING.
JERRICANSjerricans n. Plural of jerrican.
JERRICAN n. a fuel container, also JERRYCAN.
JETLINERSjetliners n. Plural of jetliner.
jet-liners n. Plural of jet-liner.
jet␣liners n. Alternative form of jetliners plural of jet liner.
JIRKINETSjirkinets n. Plural of jirkinet.
JIRKINET n. (Scots) a woman's jacket or bodice.
JOINERIESjoineries n. Plural of joinery.
JOINERY n. the trade of a joiner.
JOINTRESSjointress n. A widow who has a jointure; a dowager.
JOINTRESS n. a woman who has a jointure, also JOINTURESS.
JOINTURESjointures n. Plural of jointure.
JOINTURE v. to settle a jointure on.
MIJNHEERSmijnheers n. Plural of mijnheer.
MIJNHEER n. (Dutch) the Dutch equivalent of Mr. or Sir; hence, a Dutchman, also MENEER, MYNHEER.
NAARTJIESnaartjies n. Plural of naartjie.
NAARTJIE n. (South African) a small sweet orange like the mandarin, also NAARTJE, NARTJIE.
NONJURIESnonjuries n. Plural of nonjury.
NONJURY n. a trial without jury.
REINJECTSreinjects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reinject.
REINJECT v. to inject again.
REINJURESreinjures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reinjure.
REINJURE v. to injure again.
SURREJOINsurrejoin v. To reply with or in a surrejoinder.
SURREJOIN v. to reply, as a plaintiff to a defendant's rejoinder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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