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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, 2I, L, S and W

LEWISITESLEWISITE n. an irritant and poison gas used for chemical warfare.
SWINELIKEswinelike adj. Resembling swine.
SWINELIKE adj. like a swine.
SWIRLIESTswirliest adj. Superlative form of swirly: most swirly.
SWIRLY adj. swirling.
SWIVELINGswiveling v. (US) present participle of swivel.
swiveling n. Alternative form of swivelling.
SWIVEL v. to turn on a pivoted support.
TWIRLIESTtwirliest adj. Superlative form of twirly: most twirly.
TWIRLY adj. curved.
WAISTLINEwaistline n. A line around the body at the waist; its measurement.
waistline n. The narrowest part of a garment, usually at the waist, but may be above or below depending on the dictates…
waistline n. (Slang) person having a large waistline.
WEIGELIASweigelias n. Plural of weigelia.
WEIGELIA n. a hardy garden shrub belonging to the honeysuckle family, also WEIGELA.
WHIRLIESTwhirliest adj. Superlative form of whirly: most whirly.
WHIRLY adj. given to whirling.
WHITELISTwhitelist n. (Law, computing) A list or collection of people or entities that are known, trusted, or explicitly permitted.
whitelist v. (Transitive) To place on a whitelist; to mark or note a person or entity as trustworthy or acceptable.
white␣list n. Alternative form of whitelist.
WIELDIESTwieldiest adj. Superlative form of wieldy: most wieldy.
WIELDY adj. easily wielded.
WIFELIESTwifeliest adj. Superlative form of wifely: most wifely.
WIFELY adj. befitting a wife.
WIGGLIESTwiggliest adj. Superlative form of wiggly: most wiggly.
WIGGLY adj. tending to wiggle.
WILDFIRESwildfires n. Plural of wildfire.
WILDFIRE n. raging destructive fire.
WILDLIFESWILDLIFE n. wild animals, birds etc.
WIRELINESwirelines n. Plural of wireline.
WIRELINE n. a telegraph or telephone line.
WISELIESTwiseliest adv. Superlative form of wisely (adverb): most wisely.
WISELY adv. in a wise manner.
WISELINGSwiselings n. Plural of wiseling.
WISELING n. someone who pretends to be wise.
WRINKLIESwrinklies n. Plural of wrinkly.
WRINKLY n. an old person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 36 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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