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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, 3I, M and T

AMINITIESAMINITY n. the state of being amine.
CIMINITESciminites n. Plural of ciminite.
CIMINITE n. a rock containing olivine.
DIMIDIATEdimidiate adj. Divided into two (equal) halves.
dimidiate adj. Consisting of only one half of what the normal condition requires; having the appearance of lacking one half.
dimidiate adj. Having the organs of one side, or half, different in function from the corresponding organs on the other side.
ILLIMITEDillimited adj. Not limited; interminable.
ILLIMITED adj. not limited; interminable.
IMITATIVEimitative adj. Imitating; copying; not original.
imitative adj. Modelled after another thing.
IMITATIVE adj. inclined to imitate; formed after a model.
IMPIETIESimpieties n. Plural of impiety.
IMPIETY n. lack of piety.
INTIMISTEintimiste n. Alternative form of intimist.
intimiste adj. Alternative form of intimist.
INTIMISTE n. (French) a painter of the school of intimism, a genre of French impressionist painting of the early 20th century, also INTIMIST.
ITEMISINGitemising v. Present participle of itemise.
ITEMISE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMIZE.
ITEMIZINGitemizing v. Present participle of itemize.
ITEMIZE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMISE.
MITICIDESmiticides n. Plural of miticide.
MITICIDE n. a substance used to kill mites.
NIMIETIESnimieties n. Plural of nimiety.
NIMIETY n. excess.
PRIMITIAEprimitiae n. Plural of primitia.
PRIMITIAE n. (Latin) the first year's revenue of a benefice, also PRIMITIAS.
PRIMITIVEprimitive n. (Linguistics) An original or primary word; a word not derived from another, as opposed to derivative.
primitive n. A member of a primitive society.
primitive n. A simple-minded person.
TRIGEMINItrigemini n. Plural of trigeminus.
TRIGEMINUS n. the trigeminal nerve.
VICTIMISEvictimise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of victimize.
VICTIMISE v. to make a victim of, also VICTIMIZE.
VICTIMIZEvictimize v. To make someone a victim or sacrifice.
victimize v. To punish someone unjustly.
victimize v. To swindle or defraud someone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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