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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, H, N, O and 2P

APOPHENIAapophenia n. (Psychology) The perception of or belief in connectedness among unrelated phenomena.
APOPHENIA n. the tendency to mistakenly perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things.
HOPPINESShoppiness n. The state of being hoppy.
HOPPINESS n. the state of being hoppy, tasting of hops.
HORNPIPEShornpipes n. Plural of hornpipe.
horn␣pipes n. Plural of horn pipe.
HORNPIPE n. a lively British folk dance.
HYPOPNEAShypopneas n. Plural of hypopnea.
HYPOPNEA n. abnormally shallow breathing, also HYPOPNOEA.
HYPOPNEIChypopneic adj. Relating to hypopnea.
HYPOPNEIC adj. related to hypopnea, abnormally shallow breathing.
HYPOPNOEAhypopnoea n. Alternative spelling of hypopnea.
hypopnœa n. Alternative form of hypopnea.
HYPOPNOEA n. abnormally shallow breathing, also HYPOPNEA.
OPTOPHONEoptophone n. A device that transforms light into sound.
optophone n. A device, used by the blind, that scans text and generates a different sound for each character.
OPTOPHONE n. a device transforming light into sound.
PAYPHONESpayphones n. Plural of payphone.
pay␣phones n. Plural of pay phone.
PAYPHONE n. a coin-operated public telephone, also PAYFONE.
PHENOCOPYphenocopy n. (Genetics) A variation in an organism that resembles a genetic one, but has an environmental rather…
phenocopy v. (Genetics) To copy a genetic variation through environmental manipulation.
PHENOCOPY n. a copy of a genetic abnormality that is produced by the environment and cannot be inherited.
PHENOTYPEphenotype n. (Genetics, evolutionary theory) The appearance of an organism based on a multifactorial combination…
phenotype n. (Genetics, evolutionary theory) Any observable characteristic of an organism, such as its morphological…
phenotype v. To evaluate or classify based on phenotype.
PHILOPENAphilopena n. A game in which a person, on finding a double-kernelled almond or nut, may offer the second kernel to…
philopena n. The occasion on which a philopena is forfeited; the forfeit paid.
philopena n. A nut or almond with a double kernel, as used to set a philopena.
PHONOPOREphonopore n. (Historical, telecommunications) An invention allowing telephonic voice communications to be transmitted…
PHONOPORE n. a kind of sound-conducting apparatus.
PHONOTYPEphonotype n. A type or character used in phonotypy.
PHONOTYPE n. printing type for a phonetic alphabet.
PHONOTYPE v. to print in phonotype.
PHOSPHENEphosphene n. A sensation of lights induced by mechanical, electrical, or magnetic stimulation (rather than optical)…
PHOSPHENE n. a visual sensation produced by mechanical stimulation of the retina, as by pressure on the eyeball.
PHOSPHINEphosphine n. (Inorganic chemistry, uncountable) A toxic gas, chemical formula PH3.
phosphine n. (Organic chemistry, countable) Any alkyl or aryl derivative of this compound, PR3 (where at least one…
phosphine n. (Dyeing) Chrysaniline, often in the form of a salt.
POLYPHONEpolyphone n. A letter, or combination of letters, that can be pronounced in two or more different ways.
POLYPHONE n. a character or vocal sign representing more than one sound, as read, which is pronounced red, also POLYPHON.
PRONEPHRAPRONEPHROS n. a primitive kidney that disappears early in embryonic development.
PYROPHONEpyrophone n. (Music) a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by flames of gas in tubes of different length.
PYROPHONE n. an organ producing interference-tones by pairs of flames in tubes.
TECHNOPOPtechnopop n. (Music) An early synthpop genre with a cold, robotic sound.
TECHNOPOP n. pop music featuring synthesisers and other technological equipment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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