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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, H, M, O, R and Y

CHERIMOYAcherimoya n. A subtropical tree, Annona cherimola, native to mountainous areas of South America.
cherimoya n. A conical fruit with white flesh from that tree.
CHERIMOYA n. (Quechua) a Peruvian fruit resembling the custard apple, also CHERIMOYER, CHIRIMOYA.
CHROMAKEYchromakey n. (Television, film) The use of a particular colour (usually either green or blue) as a key in a TV studio…
chromakey v. (Transitive) To modify an image in this way.
chroma-key n. Alternative spelling of chromakey.
HEMITROPYhemitropy n. (Crystallography) Twin composition in crystals.
HEMITROPY n. the state of being a twin.
HERCOGAMYhercogamy n. (Botany) The condition where self-pollination is impossible (e.g. due to physical obstacles or mutations).
HERCOGAMY n. the prevention of self-pollination in plants, also HERKOGAMY.
HERKOGAMYherkogamy n. (Botany) Different relative positionings of the stigma and the anthers.
HERKOGAMY n. the prevention of self-pollination in plants, also HERCOGAMY.
HETERONYMheteronym n. (Linguistics) A word having the same spelling as another, but a different pronunciation and meaning.
heteronym n. (Literature) A fictitious character created by an author for the purpose of writing in a different style.
HETERONYM n. a word having same spelling but different sound and meaning e.g. lead/lead.
HODOMETRYhodometry n. (Nautical) Obsolete form of odometry.
HODOMETRY n. the measurement of distance by use of a hodometer, also ODOMETRY.
HOMEBUYERhomebuyer n. A person who buys or plans to buy a house.
HOMEBUYER n. one who is buying a home.
HOMEOMERYhomeomery n. Alternative form of homoeomeria.
HOMEOMERY n. the state of being homoeomeric, having all the somites alike, also HOMOEOMERY.
HOMOCERCYhomocercy n. (Zoology) The possession of a homocercal tail.
HOMOCERCY n. the condition in fish of having a symmetrical tail.
HOROMETRYhorometry n. The art or practice of measuring time by hours and subordinate divisions.
HOROMETRY n. the science of time measurement.
HYDROMELShydromels n. Plural of hydromel.
HYDROMEL n. a drink made with honey, water, herbs and spices.
HYDROSOMEhydrosome n. (Biology) A colony of hydrozoans considered as a single organism.
HYDROSOME n. all the zooids of a hydroid colony collectively, also HYDROSOMA.
HYPODERMAhypoderma n. (Botany) A layer of tissue beneath the epidermis in plants, performing the physiological function of…
hypoderma n. (Zoology) An inner cellular layer which lies beneath the chitinous cuticle of arthropods, annelids…
Hypoderma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Oestridae – warble flies.
HYPODERMShypoderms n. Plural of hypoderm.
HYPODERM n. the tissue next under the epidermis, also HYPODERMIS.
MONORHYMEmonorhyme n. (Poetry) A poem or rhyme scheme whose lines all end with the same rhyme.
monorhyme adj. Having a single rhyme.
MONORHYME n. a series of lines all rhyming together.
RHEOMETRYrheometry n. (Physics) The measurement of electrical current.
rheometry n. (Physics) The measurement of rheological properties of materials, especially by the use of a rheometer.
rheometry n. (Obsolete, mathematics) The calculus.
RHYTIDOMErhytidome n. (Botany) The dead layers of plant bark (undergoing or having undergone secondary growth) external to…
RHYTIDOME n. the bark external to the last formed periderm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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