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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, H, I, 2L and Y

APHYLLIESAPHYLLY n. absence of leaves.
ETHICALLYethically adv. In an ethical manner.
ethically adv. Concerning ethics.
ETHICAL adv. in accordance with ethics.
HEALINGLYhealingly adv. So as to heal or cure.
HEALING adv. curative.
HEALTHILYhealthily adv. In a healthy manner.
HEALTHY adv. wholesome.
HELICALLYhelically adv. In a helical manner, spirally.
HELICAL adv. shaped like a helix.
HELIOLOGYheliology n. (Dated) heliophysics.
HELIOLOGY n. the science of the sun.
HELLISHLYhellishly adv. In a hellish manner.
HELLISH adv. horrible.
HOSTILELYhostilely adv. In a hostile manner.
HOSTILE adv. like an enemy.
JELLYFISHjellyfish n. An almost transparent aquatic animal; any one of the acalephs, especially one of the larger species…
jellyfish n. A sudoku technique involving possible cell locations for a digit, or pair, or triple, in uniquely four…
jelly-fish n. Alternative spelling of jellyfish.
LENGTHILYlengthily adv. In a lengthy way, in a manner that is long and drawn out, especially in time.
LENGTHY adv. very long.
LETHALITYlethality n. The fact of something being lethal; the ability of something to kill.
lethality n. The degree of lethal (mortal) danger that something (usually a disease or a weapon) presents; the magnitude…
LETHALITY n. the quality of being lethal.
LYOPHILEDLYOPHILED adj. obtained by freeze-drying.
PHILATELYphilately n. Stamp collecting.
philately n. The study of postage stamps, postal routes, postal history, etc.
PHILATELY n. the study of postage stamps.
PHYLLITESphyllites n. Plural of phyllite.
PHYLLITE n. a foliated rock, a kind of metamorphosed mudstone.
SELFISHLYselfishly adv. In a selfish manner; with regard to private interest only or chiefly.
SELFISH adv. concerned only with oneself.
SYLPHLIKEsylphlike adj. Resembling (that of) a sylph; slender and graceful.
SYLPHLIKE adj. like a sylph.
WEALTHILYwealthily adv. In a wealthy way.
WEALTHY adv. rich.
YELLOWISHyellowish adj. Somewhat yellow (in colour).
YELLOWISH adj. somewhat yellow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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