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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, H, I, K, N and P

HANDSPIKEhandspike n. A bar or lever, generally of wood, used in a windlass or capstan, for heaving anchor, and, in modified…
hand-spike n. Alternative form of handspike.
HANDSPIKE n. a bar used as a lever.
HYPERLINKhyperlink n. Some text or a graphic in an electronic document that can be activated to display another document or…
hyperlink n. (By extension) The URL or other address that defines a hyperlink’s target or function.
hyperlink v. (Of a hypertext document) To point to another document by a hyperlink.
KEPHALINSkephalins n. Plural of kephalin.
KEPHALIN n. a compound of phosphorus found in the brain and nervous tissue, also CEPHALIN.
KNAVESHIPknaveship n. (Uncountable) The condition of being a knave (used mockingly).
knaveship n. (Countable, obsolete, Scotland) A quantity of corn or flour due to a miller’s servant from each batch…
KNAVESHIP n. a small due, in meal, established by usage, which is paid to the under miller.
NYMPHLIKEnymphlike adj. Resembling a nymph.
NYMPHLIKE adj. like a nymph.
PHENAKISMphenakism n. (Dated) deception; trickery.
PHENAKISM n. deceit.
PHENAKITEphenakite n. (Mineralogy) A trigonal-rhombohedral mineral containing beryllium, oxygen, and silicon.
PHENAKITE n. a mineral, beryllium silicate, sometimes deceptively like quartz, also PHENACITE.
PHREAKINGphreaking n. The cracking or exploring of a telephone system, e.g. trying to get free calls or to discover special…
phreaking v. Present participle of phreak.
PHREAKING n. making illegal phone-calls.
PHRENTICKphrentick adj. Obsolete form of frenetic.
PHRENTICK adj. (obsolete) frenetic, also FRENETIC, PHRENETIC, PHRENETICAL.
PINCHBECKpinchbeck n. An alloy of copper and zinc once used as imitation gold for cheap jewelry.
pinchbeck adj. (Not comparable) Made of pinchbeck.
pinchbeck adj. Sham; spurious, artificial; being a cheap substitution; only superficially attractive.
PINCHECKSpinchecks n. Plural of pincheck.
PINCHECK n. a fabric design.
PINHOOKERpinhooker n. A speculator who buys and sells tobacco.
pinhooker n. One who buys and quickly sells young horses for a profit.
PINHOOKER n. (slang) a speculator who buys up foals hoping to make a profit on them when selling them as yearlings for racing.
PRESHRINKpreshrink v. (Transitive, of clothing) To shrink in advance, before sale, in order to ensure better fit.
PRESHRINK v. to shrink in advance.
SHEEPSKINsheepskin n. (Uncountable) The skin of a sheep, especially when used to make parchment or in bookbinding.
sheepskin n. (US, countable) A diploma.
sheepskin n. (Countable or uncountable) The tanned skin of a sheep with the fleece left on, especially when used…
SHUNPIKEDshunpiked v. Simple past tense and past participle of shunpike.
SHUNPIKE v. to travel on sideroads to avoid expressways.
SHUNPIKERshunpiker n. One who avoids toll roads, or who uses sideroads to avoid toll booths.
SHUNPIKER n. one who avoids toll roads.
SHUNPIKESshunpikes n. Plural of shunpike.
SHUNPIKE v. to travel on sideroads to avoid expressways.
WHIPSNAKEwhipsnake n. Alternative form of whip snake.
whip␣snake n. Any of the slender snakes of diverse general and species…
WHIPSNAKE n. a kind of long thin snake.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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