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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, H, 2I, L and O

CHOIRLIKEchoirlike adj. Resembling a choir or its sound.
CHOIRLIKE adj. like a choir.
EIGHTFOILeightfoil n. (Heraldry) An octofoil.
EIGHTFOIL n. an eight-leaved flower.
GEOPHILICgeophilic adj. (Zoology) Spending all or a stage of the life cycle underground; exhibiting geophily.
geophilic adj. (Botany) Fruiting and/or flowering at or below ground level; exhibiting geophily.
GEOPHILIC adj. loving the earth.
HELICOIDShelicoids n. Plural of helicoid.
HELICOID n. a type of geometrical curve, a flattened spiral.
HELICONIAheliconia n. Any of genus Heliconia of flowering plants.
HELICONIA n. a tropical flowering plant.
HELIOPSISHeliopsis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – certain flowering plants.
HELIOPSIS n. a genus of herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy family.
HELIOZOICHELIOZOIC adj. relating to the Heliozoa, sun-animalcules, an order of Protozoa, also HELIOZOAN.
HELIPILOThelipilot n. A helicopter pilot.
HELIPILOT n. the pilot of a helicopter.
HEMIOLIASHEMIOLIA n. (Greek) in mediaeval music, a perfect fifth, also HEMIOLA.
HOMILETIChomiletic adj. Of or relating to a homily, or to homiletics.
homiletic adj. Preachy.
HOMILETIC adj. relating to homily or the art of preaching, also HOMILETICAL.
ICHNOLITEichnolite n. A fossil footprint; an ichnite.
ICHNOLITE n. a fossil footprint, also ICHNITE.
IODOPHILEiodophile n. An iodophilic cell.
IODOPHILE adj. esp. of bacteria containing compounds similar to starch, readily stained by iodine.
LIBECCHIOlibecchio n. A southwest wind.
LIBECCHIO n. (Milton) a strong westerly (or southwesterly) wind that blows on to Corsica's western coast, also LIBECCIO.
LICHENOIDlichenoid adj. Resembling lichen.
LICHENOID adj. of or like lichen.
NEOLITHICneolithic adj. Alternative spelling of Neolithic.
neolithic adj. (Informal) hopelessly outdated.
Neolithic prop.n. The New Stone Age, from circa 8500 to 4500 BCE.
NEOPHILIAneophilia n. The love of novelty, new things, innovation, or unfamiliar places or situations.
neophilia n. (Biology) The preference for any new foods not forming part of the diet associated with an earlier nutritional…
NEOPHILIA n. an obsessive love of novelty.
OPHIOLITEophiolite n. (Geology) an assemblage of mafic and ultramafic rock fragments of the ocean lithosphere that has been…
OPHIOLITE n. a slice of oceanic rock and upper mantle that has been thrust over the edge of a continent.
PICHOLINEPICHOLINE n. a variety of olive.
THOLEIITEtholeiite n. (Geology) An igneous basaltic rock, formed from magma rich in magnesium and iron.
THOLEIITE n. a basaltic rock rich in aluminum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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