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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, 2H, I, N and T

HEIGHTENSheightens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of heighten.
HEIGHTEN v. to raise.
HELMINTHShelminths n. Plural of helminth.
HELMINTH n. a parasitic intestinal nematode.
HITHERINGHITHER v. to come this way.
INSHEATHEinsheathe v. Archaic form of ensheathe.
INSHEATHE v. to insert as in a sheath, also ENSHEATH, ENSHEATHE, INSHEATH.
INSHEATHSinsheaths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of insheath.
INSHEATH v. to enclose in a sheath, also ENSHEATH.
NOWHITHERnowhither adv. (Archaic) nowhere; to no place.
NOWHITHER adv. (archaic) in no direction.
PHTHALEINphthalein n. (Organic chemistry) any of a range of lactones formed by the reaction of phenols with phthalic anhydride.
PHTHALEIN n. any one of a very important class of dye-yielding materials formed by the union of phenols with phthalic anhydride.
SHEATHINGsheathing n. Something that wraps around or surrounds something, as a sheath encases its blade.
sheathing v. Present participle of sheathe.
SHEATHING n. the act of sheathing.
THANESHIPthaneship n. The state or dignity of a thane; thanehood.
thaneship n. The seignioralty of a thane.
THANESHIP n. the state or dignity of a thane, also THANAGE, THANEDOM, THANEHOOD, THENAGE.
THETCHINGTHETCH v. (Spenser) to thatch.
THIGHBONEthighbone n. (Anatomy) The bone that extends from the pelvis to the knee in humans; the femur.
THIGHBONE n. the bone of the leg between the hip joint and the knee, the femur.
THIOPHENEthiophene n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds containing a ring of four carbon…
THIOPHENE n. a five-membered heterocyclic compound with sulphur, also THIOPHEN.
THIOPHENSthiophens n. Plural of thiophen.
THIOPHEN n. a type of sulphur compound.
THRESHINGthreshing v. Present participle of thresh.
threshing n. The process by which something is threshed.
THRESHING n. the act of threshing.
UNHITCHEDunhitched v. Simple past tense and past participle of unhitch.
unhitched adj. Unattached.
unhitched adj. Unmarried; single.
UNHITCHESunhitches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unhitch.
UNHITCH v. to free from being hitched.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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