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There are 15 nine-letter words containing E, G, O, 2T and U

BETHOUGHTbethought adj. (Of a thing) Intended; purposed; contrived.
bethought adj. (Of a person) Minded; disposed.
bethought v. Simple past tense and past participle of bethink.
COURGETTEcourgette n. (Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, uncountable) A particular variety of Cucurbita pepo, a small marrow/squash.
courgette n. (Countable, cooking) The edible fruit of this marrow/squash.
COURGETTE n. (French) a small variety of vegetable marrow, aka zucchini.
GOUSTIESTGOUSTY adj. (Scots) desolate, dreary.
GROUTIESTgroutiest adj. Superlative form of grouty: most grouty.
GROUTY adj. sulky.
GRUPPETTOgruppetto n. (Cycle racing) Synonym of autobus (“a large group of cyclists who have fallen behind the peloton (“main…
gruppetto n. (Music) A trill or turn.
GRUPPETTO n. (Italian) a turn.
MANGETOUTmangetout n. A vegetable pea (Pisum sativum) eaten when immature.
mange-tout n. Alternative spelling of mangetout.
MANGETOUT n. (French) a type of pea cooked and eaten together with its pod.
METHOUGHTmethought v. (Archaic) simple past tense and past participle of methinks.
METHINK v. it seems to me, also METHINKETH, METHINKS.
OUTEATINGouteating v. Present participle of outeat.
OUTEAT v. to surpass in eating.
OUTTONGUEouttongue v. (Transitive) To make more noise than, especially in speaking.
OUTTONGUE v. (Shakespeare) to speak louder than.
RETHOUGHTrethought v. Simple past tense and past participle of rethink.
RETHINK v. to think again.
THOUGHTEDthoughted adj. (In combination) Having thoughts of a specified kind.
THOUGHTED adj. having thoughts.
THOUGHTENthoughten v. (Nonstandard) past participle of think.
THOUGHTEN adj. (Shakespeare) firm in belief, assured.
TONGUELETtonguelet n. A little tongue.
TONGUELET n. a little tongue.
TREGETOURtregetour n. (Archaic) A magician or juggler; a trickster.
TREGETOUR n. (archaic) a juggling magician.
TUTORAGEStutorages n. Plural of tutorage.
TUTORAGE n. the act of tutoring, also TUTELAGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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