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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, G, N, 2R and W

GARRYOWENgarryowen n. (Rugby union) A high short punt onto or behind the defending team.
GARRYOWEN n. in rugby, a high kick forward followed by a rush towards the landing place of the ball.
INTERGREWintergrew v. Simple past tense of intergrow.
INTERGROW v. to grow into or among each other.
INTERGROWintergrow v. (Intransitive) To grow together; intertwine.
INTERGROW v. to grow into or among each other.
OVERGROWNovergrown adj. Having large numbers of plants which have become too big, and are hence spoiling the picturesqueness of a garden.
overgrown adj. (Attributive, mildly derogatory) Having grown bigger without developing maturity or changing character.
overgrown v. Past participle of overgrow.
PREWIRINGprewiring v. Present participle of prewire.
PREWIRE v. to wire beforehand.
REDRAWINGredrawing v. Present participle of redraw.
redrawing n. A second or subsequent drawing.
REDRAW v. to draw again.
REGROWINGregrowing v. Present participle of regrow.
regrowing n. (Agriculture), (ecology) self-cultivation of vegetables by city dwellers, using flower pots and windowsills…
REGROW v. to grow again.
REWARDINGrewarding adj. Giving or resulting in reward or satisfaction.
rewarding v. Present participle of reward.
REWARD v. to give in return for some service or act.
REWARMINGrewarming v. Present participle of rewarm.
REWARM v. to warm again.
REWEARINGrewearing v. Present participle of rewear.
REWEAR v. to wear again.
REWIRINGSrewirings n. Plural of rewiring.
REWIRING n. the act of fitting with new wires.
REWORDINGrewording v. Present participle of reword.
rewording n. A changed wording.
rewording n. The act of creating a changed wording.
REWORKINGreworking v. Present participle of rework.
reworking n. An act in which something is reworked.
REWORKING n. the act of working again.
REWRITINGrewriting n. The process or result of writing again; a rewrite.
rewriting n. (Logic, computer science) a wide range of potentially non-deterministic methods of replacing subterms…
rewriting v. Present participle of rewrite.
WARDERINGWARDER v. to guard as a warder.
WARMONGERwarmonger n. (Derogatory) Someone who advocates war; a militarist.
warmonger v. (Derogatory, intransitive) To advocate war.
war-monger n. Misspelling of warmonger.
WARREYINGwarreying v. Present participle of warrey.
WARREY v. (obsolete) to make war on, also WARRAY.
WHERRYINGWHERRY v. to transport in a rowboat.
WRANGLERSwranglers n. Plural of wrangler.
WRANGLER n. a cattle-herder, a cowboy.
WRONGDOERwrongdoer n. Someone who does wrong, whether morally, ethically, or in contravention of a law.
WRONGDOER n. one who does wrong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 32 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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