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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, G, M, N and 2R

DEMURRINGdemurring v. Present participle of demur.
demurring n. Demurral.
DEMUR v. to object.
EMBARRINGembarring v. Present participle of embar.
EMBARRING n. the act of shutting in.
GERMANDERgermander n. A Mediterranean herb, Teucrium chamaedrys, historically grown for medicinal use but now mostly as an…
germander n. Any plant of the genus Teucrium, some with small, pink, white, or pale purple flowers and a small upper lip.
GERMANDER n. a plant of the genus Teucrium, of mint-like herbs and low shrubs.
GREENROOMgreenroom n. Alternative spelling of green room.
green␣room n. In a television studio, theatre or concert hall, the room where performers await their entrance.
green␣room n. (Surfing) The inside of a tube (cylindrical wave).
MARGARINEmargarine n. A spread, manufactured from a blend of vegetable oils (some of which are hydrogenated), emulsifiers…
margarine n. (Dated) The solid ingredient of human fat, olive oil, etc.
MARGARINE n. a butter-like substance made from vegetable oils and fats.
MARVERINGmarvering v. Present participle of marver.
MARVER v. to roll glass on a marver.
MERGANSERmerganser n. Any of various diving ducks of the genera Mergus or Lophodytes, which feed on fish and have a sharply serrated bill.
MERGANSER n. an aquatic bird of a genus allied to the ducks.
MURDERINGmurdering v. Present participle of murder.
murdering n. The act of committing murder.
MURDER v. to kill unlawfully with premeditated malice.
NEUROGRAMneurogram n. An image of neural activity.
neurogram n. The supposed imprint left behind on the physical brain after every mental experience.
NEUROGRAM n. a modification in nerve structure to which memory is due.
PREARMINGprearming v. Present participle of prearm.
PREARM v. to arm beforehand.
REFORMINGreforming v. Present participle of reform.
reforming n. Reformation.
reforming n. (Chemistry) A catalytic process, whereby short-chain molecules are combined to make larger ones; used…
REFRAMINGreframing v. Present participle of reframe.
reframing n. Framing anew or again.
re-framing v. Present participle of re-frame.
REMARKINGremarking v. Present participle of remark.
re-marking v. Present participle of re-mark.
REMARK v. to say briefly or casually.
REMERGINGremerging v. Present participle of remerge.
REMERGE v. to merge again.
RENOGRAMSrenograms n. Plural of renogram.
RENOGRAM n. a photographic depiction of the course of renal excretion.
REPRIMINGrepriming v. Present participle of reprime.
repriming n. The act of priming something again.
REPRIME v. to prime again.
REWARMINGrewarming v. Present participle of rewarm.
REWARM v. to warm again.
TREMORINGtremoring v. Present participle of tremor.
tremoring n. A tremor.
TREMOR v. to quiver, shake.
WARMONGERwarmonger n. (Derogatory) Someone who advocates war; a militarist.
warmonger v. (Derogatory, intransitive) To advocate war.
war-monger n. Misspelling of warmonger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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