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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, G, M, N, O and P

COEMPTINGCOEMPT v. to buy up the entire supply of a product.
COMPERINGcompering v. Present participle of compere.
COMPERE v. (French) to act as master of ceremonies.
COMPETINGcompeting adj. Being in the state of competition (often unintentionally).
competing v. Present participle of compete.
COMPETE v. to contend for a prize.
EMPLONGEDEMPLONGE v. (Spenser) to plunge, also IMPLUNGE.
EMPLONGESEMPLONGE v. (Spenser) to plunge, also IMPLUNGE.
EMPLOYINGemploying v. Present participle of employ.
EMPLOY v. to hire, use.
EPIGENOMEepigenome n. (Genetics) The total epigenetic state of a cell.
epigenome n. (Genetics) A chemical responsible for the activation of a particular gene.
EPIGENOME n. the complement of chemical compounds that modify the expression and function of the genome.
EPIGONISMepigonism n. An artistic or literary imitation of an artist by a later generation; stereotyped repetition.
epigonism n. The product of an epigone.
EPIGONISM n. the state of being a follower or inferior imitator.
MEGAPHONEmegaphone n. A portable, usually hand-held, funnel-shaped device that is used to amplify a person’s natural voice…
megaphone n. (Figuratively) Mouthpiece or promoter; one who speaks for or publicizes on behalf of another.
megaphone v. (Transitive, intransitive) To use a megaphone; to speak through a megaphone.
MORPHOGENmorphogen n. Any substance that governs the movement and development of cells during morphogenesis by forming a concentration…
MORPHOGEN n. a chemical substance that exerts an influence on morphogenesis.
NEPHOGRAMnephogram n. A picture of a cloud.
nephogram n. (Physics) A graphical depiction of a physical quantity that resembles a cloud.
NEPHOGRAM n. a photograph of clouds.
PANEGOISMpanegoism n. Solipsism.
PANEGOISM n. solipsism.
PHAENOGAMphaenogam n. Alternative form of phenogam.
PHAENOGAM n. (Greek) any plant of the class Phaenogamia, flowering plants, also PHENOGAM.
PHENOGAMSphenogams n. Plural of phenogam.
PHENOGAM n. (Greek) any plant of the class Phaenogamia, flowering plants, also PHAENOGAM.
PHLEGMONSphlegmons n. Plural of phlegmon.
PHLEGMON n. an inflammation with pus.
PLOUGHMENploughmen n. Plural of ploughman.
PLOUGHMAN n. a man who drives or guides horses in ploughing, also PLOWMAN.
POMMELINGpommeling v. Present participle of pommel.
POMMEL v. to strike with the fists, also PUMMEL.
POMPEYINGPOMPEY v. (Dickens) to pamper.
PREMOVINGpremoving v. Present participle of premove.
PREMOVE v. to incite or prompt to action.
TAMPONAGEtamponage n. (Medicine) The use of a tampon; a tamponade.
TAMPONAGE n. the surgical use of a tampon, also TAMPONADE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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