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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing E, G, L, R, T and V

LEVIGATORlevigator n. A person or tool that levigates.
LEVIGATOR n. one who levigates.
OVERLIGHToverlight v. (Transitive) To illuminate too brightly.
overlight v. (Transitive) To illuminate from above.
overlight n. Excessive light.
REVOLTINGrevolting v. Present participle of revolt.
revolting n. Revolution; revolt.
revolting adj. Repulsive, disgusting.
TRAVELINGtraveling v. Present participle of travel.
traveling n. (Basketball) A violation committed by progressing while holding the ball instead of dribbling it.
traveling n. The action of the verb travel.
TRAVELOGStravelogs n. Plural of travelog.
TRAVELOG n. a film, talk etc. on travel, also TRAVELOGUE.
VERLIGTESverligtes n. Plural of verligte.
VERLIGTE n. a liberal.
VIRGULATEvirgulate adj. Shaped like a little twig or rod.
VIRGULATE adj. shaped like a little twig or rod.
VOLTIGEURvoltigeur n. A tumbler; a leaper or vaulter.
voltigeur n. (Military) One of a picked company of skirmishers in each regiment of the French infantry during the Napoleonic Wars.
voltigeur n. (Canada) ranger.
VULGARESTvulgarest adj. Superlative form of vulgar: most vulgar.
VULGAR adj. common.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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