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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing E, G, L, 2R and U

BURGLAREDburglared v. Simple past tense and past participle of burglar.
BURGLAR v. to enter a building to steal.
FERRULINGferruling v. Present participle of ferrule.
FERRULE v. to fit with a metal cap to prevent splitting, also FERREL, FERULE.
GRUELLERSGRUELLER n. one that gruels, also GRUELER.
GRUMBLERSgrumblers n. Plural of grumbler.
GRUMBLER n. one that grumbles.
GRUMBLIERgrumblier adj. Comparative form of grumbly: more grumbly.
GRUMBLY adj. muttering in discontent.
GUERRILLAguerrilla n. A soldier in a small independent group, fighting against the government or regular forces by surprise raids.
guerrilla n. (Now rare) A non-official war carried out by small independent groups; a guerrilla war.
guerrilla adj. (Military) Relating to, using, or typical of guerrilla warfare, or its principles of small independent…
IRREGULARirregular adj. Nonstandard; not conforming to rules or expectations.
irregular adj. (Of a surface) rough.
irregular adj. Without symmetry, regularity, or uniformity.
REGARDFULregardful adj. Respectful.
regardful adj. (Now rare) Watchful, observant.
REGARDFUL adj. heedful; observant.
REGRETFULregretful adj. Full of feelings of regret, indulging in regrets.
regretful adj. Sorrowful about what has been lost or done.
REGRETFUL adj. full of regret.
REGULARLYregularly adv. With constant frequency or pattern.
regularly adv. Normally; ordinarily.
REGULAR adv. occurring at set intervals.
REGULATORregulator n. A device that controls or limits something.
regulator n. A person or group that sets standards of practice, especially those established by law.
regulator n. A very accurate clock, used by clockmakers to measure the timekeeping of each newly made clock.
SPLURGERSsplurgers n. Plural of splurger.
SPLURGER n. one who splurges.
SPLURGIERsplurgier adj. Comparative form of splurgy: more splurgy.
SPLURGY adj. tending to splurge.
STRUGGLERstruggler n. One who struggles.
STRUGGLER n. one who struggles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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