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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, G, L and 3O

EROTOLOGYerotology n. The study of sexual stimuli and behaviour.
EROTOLOGY n. the study of erotic stimuli and sexual behaviour.
GOLOSHOESgoloshoes n. Archaic form of goloshes.
GOLOSHOES n. (obsolete) goloshes.
HOMOLOGUEhomologue n. Something homologous; a homologous organ or part, chemical compound, chromosome, gene, or cultural element.
HOMOLOGUE n. a thing exactly or relatively corresponding in structure.
HOROLOGERhorologer n. A maker or seller of clocks and watches.
horologer n. One skilled in horology.
HOROLOGER n. a watchmaker.
HOROLOGEShorologes n. Plural of horologe.
HOROLOGE n. any instrument for telling the time, also HOROLOGION, HOROLOGIUM.
MONOLOGUEmonologue n. (Drama, authorship) A long speech by one person in a play; sometimes a soliloquy; other times spoken…
monologue n. (Comedy) A long series of comic stories and jokes as an entertainment.
monologue n. A long, uninterrupted utterance that monopolizes a conversation.
NOOLOGIESnoologies n. Plural of noology.
NOOLOGY n. the science of the intellect.
OECOLOGICœcologic adj. Obsolete spelling of ecologic.
OECOLOGIC adj. relating to oecology, also ECOLOGIC, ECOLOGICAL, OECOLOGICAL.
OLOGOANEDOLOGOAN v. (Irish) to complain loudly without cause.
OROLOGIESOROLOGY n. the scientific study of mountains, also OREOLOGY.
OSTEOLOGYosteology n. (Anatomy) The scientific study of the morphology and pathology of bones.
osteology n. (Anatomy) The bone structure of a particular individual, or species.
OSTEOLOGY n. the study of bones.
OTOLOGIESotologies n. Plural of otology.
OTOLOGY n. the science of the ear.
OVERGLOOMovergloom v. To spread gloom over; to make gloomy; to overshadow.
OVERGLOOM v. to cover with gloom.
POENOLOGYpoenology n. Obsolete form of penology.
pœnology n. Archaic spelling of penology.
POENOLOGY n. the study of crime and punishment, also PENOLOGY.
ZOOGLOEAEzoogloeae n. Plural of zoogloea.
zoöglœæ n. Plural of zoöglœa.
ZOOGLOEA n. (Greek) a jellylike mass of bacteria, also ZOOGLEA.
ZOOGLOEALzoogloeal adj. Of or relating to the zoogloea.
ZOOGLOEAL adj. of or like a zoogloea, a mucilaginous mass of bacteria, also ZOOGLOEIC, ZOOGLOEOID.
ZOOGLOEASzoogloeas n. Plural of zoogloea.
ZOOGLOEA n. (Greek) a jellylike mass of bacteria, also ZOOGLEA.
ZOOGLOEICzoogloeic adj. Relating to the zoogloea.
zoöglœic adj. Alternative spelling of zoogloeic.
ZOOGLOEIC adj. of or like a zoogloea, a mucilaginous mass of bacteria, also ZOOGLOEAL, ZOOGLOEOID.
ZOOLOGIESzoologies n. Plural of zoology.
zoölogies n. Plural of zoölogy.
ZOOLOGY n. the science of animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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