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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing E, G, L, N and 2U

DELUNDUNGdelundung n. (Zoology) An East Indian carnivorous mammal, Prionodon linsang, having spots and resembling the civet…
DELUNDUNG n. (Javanese) the weasel cat of Java and Malacca, a small carnivore related to the civet, aka linsang.
GLUTENOUSglutenous adj. Alternative spelling of glutinous.
GLUTENOUS adj. containing gluten, the viscid, tenacious substance which gives adhesiveness to dough.
HUNGERFULhungerful adj. (Rare) hungry.
HUNGERFUL adj. hungry.
LONGUEURSlongueurs n. Plural of longueur.
LONGUEUR n. (French) a long and tedious section of a book, play, etc.
UNBEGUILEunbeguile v. (Transitive) To set (someone) free from the influence of guile; to undeceive.
UNBEGUILE v. to set free from the influence of guile; to undeceive.
UNGULATESungulates n. Plural of ungulate.
UNGULATE n. a hoofed mammal.
UNPLAGUEDunplagued adj. Not plagued.
UNPLAGUED adj. not plagued.
UNPLUGGEDunplugged adj. Not plugged in.
unplugged adj. (Music) Using acoustic instruments, especially instead of electric ones.
unplugged adj. Without a plug or bung (of a vessel containing liquid).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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