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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, G, L, M, R and Y

ALGOMETRYalgometry n. (Medicine) The scientific measurement of responses to pain stimuli.
ALGOMETRY n. the measurement of sensitivity to pressure or pain.
CLERGYMANclergyman n. An ordained (male) Christian minister, a male member of the clergy.
CLERGYMAN n. one who works for the church.
CLERGYMENclergymen n. Plural of clergyman.
CLERGYMAN n. one who works for the church.
GERMANELYgermanely adv. In a manner that is germane, relevantly.
GERMANE adv. closely related to; relevant.
GORBLIMEYgorblimey interj. (Britain) Expressing surprise, anger, etc.
gor␣blimey interj. Alternative form of gorblimey.
GORBLIMEY n. a kind of flat army cap, also GORBLIMY.
MALINGERYmalingery n. The spirit or practices of a malingerer; malingering.
MALINGERY n. the spirit or practices of a malingerer.
MEREOLOGYmereology n. (Logic) The discipline which deals with the relationship of parts with their respective wholes.
MEREOLOGY n. the formal study of the logical properties of the relation between part and whole.
METROLOGYmetrology n. (Uncountable) The science of weights and measures or of measurement.
metrology n. (Countable) A system of weights and measures.
METROLOGY n. the science of weights and measures.
MONGRELLYmongrelly adj. Like a mongrel.
MONGRELLY adj. like a mongrel.
MYELOGRAMmyelogram n. A radiographic image produced by myelography.
MYELOGRAM n. an X-ray of the spinal cord, after injection with a radio-opaque medium.
PYELOGRAMpyelogram n. An image produced by means of pyelography.
PYELOGRAM n. an X-ray picture of the renal pelvis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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