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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, G, 2L, R and U

BULLERINGbullering v. Present participle of buller.
BULLER v. to seethe, gurgle.
CUDGELLERcudgeller n. Alternative spelling of cudgeler.
CUDGELLER n. one who beats with a cudgel, also CUDGELER.
FULLERINGfullering v. Present participle of fuller.
FULLER v. to groove with a type of hammer.
GLOMERULEglomerule n. (Botany) A head or dense cluster of flowers, formed by condensation of a cyme, as in the flowering dogwood.
glomerule n. (Anatomy) A glomerulus.
GLOMERULE n. a cluster of short-stalked flowers.
GLOMERULIglomeruli n. Plural of glomerulus.
GLOMERULUS n. the bunch of looped capillary blood vessels in a Malpighian capsule of the kidney.
GRONEFULLgronefull adj. Obsolete form of groanful.
GRONEFULL adj. (Spenser) groanful, also GROANFUL.
GRUELLERSGRUELLER n. one that gruels, also GRUELER.
GRUELLINGgruelling adj. So difficult or taxing as to make one exhausted; backbreaking.
gruelling n. (Racing) A race in which the animal being raced finishes in a state of physical exhaustion.
gruelling n. A gruelling ordeal.
GUERILLASguerillas n. Plural of guerilla.
GUERILLA n. a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army, also GUERRILLA.
GUERRILLAguerrilla n. A soldier in a small independent group, fighting against the government or regular forces by surprise raids.
guerrilla n. (Now rare) A non-official war carried out by small independent groups; a guerrilla war.
guerrilla adj. (Military) Relating to, using, or typical of guerrilla warfare, or its principles of small independent…
GULLERIESgulleries n. Plural of gullery.
GULLERY n. a deception.
LAURELINGlaureling v. (US) present participle of laurel.
laureling n. Decorations that imitate laurel wreaths.
laureling n. Honor; recognition of merit.
MULLERINGmullering v. Present participle of muller.
MULLER v. to inflict a severe defeat on, also MULLAH.
REGULABLEregulable adj. Of or pertaining to being controllable; able to be made subject to regulation.
REGULABLE adj. that can be regulated.
REGULARLYregularly adv. With constant frequency or pattern.
regularly adv. Normally; ordinarily.
REGULAR adv. occurring at set intervals.
TEGULARLYtegularly adv. In a tegular manner.
TEGULAR adv. Overlapping like tiles or slates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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