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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, G, I, 2O and U

BIOGENOUSbiogenous adj. Biogenic; produced by living things.
BIOGENOUS adj. parasitic; biogenic.
BOURGEOISbourgeois adj. Of or relating to the middle class, (often derogatory) their presumed overly conventional, conservative…
bourgeois adj. (Historical) Of or relating to the bourgeoisie, the third estate of the French Ancien Regime.
bourgeois adj. (Marxism) Of or relating to the capitalist class, (usually derogatory) the capitalist exploitation of the proletariat.
EPIGONOUSepigonous adj. Following and modelling after another thing.
EPIGONOUS adj. relating to a follower or inferior imitator.
GUIDEBOOKguidebook n. Alternative spelling of guide book.
guide␣book n. A book that provides guidance, but especially one designed for travellers which provides local tourist…
GUIDEBOOK n. a book of information for tourists.
IDEOLOGUEideologue n. A person who advocates an ideology, especially as an official or preeminent advocate.
IDEOLOGUE n. a doctrinaire adherent of an ideology, also IDEALOGUE.
ISOGENOUSisogenous adj. (Biology) Having the same (or similar) origin.
ISOGENOUS adj. having the same origin.
ISOLOGUESisologues n. Plural of isologue.
ISOLOGUE n. an organic compound with similar molecular structure to another but containing different atoms of the same valency, also ISOLOG.
OVIGEROUSovigerous adj. Carrying or bearing eggs.
OVIGEROUS adj. egg-carrying, also OVIFEROUS.
SINOLOGUEsinologue n. A student of Chinese; one versed in the Chinese language, literature, and history.
SINOLOGUE n. one versed in Chinese culture, also SINOLOGIST.
UFOLOGIESufologies n. Plural of ufology.
UFOLOGY n. the study of unidentified flying objects.
UROLOGIESurologies n. Plural of urology.
UROLOGY n. the study of urine or the urinary tract, also OUROLOGY, URINOLOGY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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