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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, G, H, N and 2R

CHERRYINGcherrying n. The gathering of cherries.
CHERRY v. to cheer.
GARNISHERgarnisher n. One who, or that which, garnishes.
GARNISHER n. one who, or that which, garnishes, also GARNISHOR.
GONORRHEAgonorrhea n. (American spelling) A sexually transmitted infection caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a species of bacteria…
GONORRHEA n. a sexually transmitted contagious infection of the mucous membrane of the genital tract, also GONORRHOEA.
GRAUNCHERGRAUNCHER n. (New Zealand) a clumsy and incompetent mechanic.
GREENHORNgreenhorn n. (Chiefly US) an inexperienced person; a novice, beginner or newcomer.
Greenhorn prop.n. A census-designated place in Plumas County, California, United States.
GREENHORN n. a novice, a tenderfoot.
HARANGUERharanguer n. One who harangues.
HARANGUER n. one who harangues.
HARBINGERharbinger n. A person or thing that foreshadows or foretells the coming of someone or something.
harbinger n. (Obsolete) One who provides lodgings; especially, the officer of the English royal household who formerly…
harbinger v. (Transitive) To announce or precede; to be a harbinger of.
HERRINGERherringer n. A fisherman who fishes for herring.
herringer n. A boat used in fishing for herring.
HERRINGER n. a man or boat employed in herring fishing.
PREHIRINGprehiring adj. Before hiring an employee.
PREHIRING adj. before hiring.
REHEARINGrehearing v. Present participle of rehear.
rehearing n. (Law) A second or subsequent hearing of a case.
re-hearing n. Alternative form of rehearing.
WHERRYINGWHERRY v. to transport in a rowboat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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