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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, G, H, M, P and S

APOTHEGMSapothegms n. Plural of apothegm.
APOTHEGM n. (Greek) a short, pithy and instructive saying or formulation, also APOPHTHEGM.
GOMPHOSESgomphoses n. Plural of gomphosis.
GOMPHOSIS n. the growth of teeth into the bone cavity.
GRAPHEMESgraphemes n. Plural of grapheme.
GRAPHEME n. a unit of a writing system.
GRUMPHIESgrumphies n. Plural of grumphie.
grumphies n. Plural of grumphy.
GRUMPHY n. (Scots) a pig, also GRUMPHIE.
HOMEPAGEShomepages n. Plural of homepage.
home␣pages n. Plural of home page.
HOMEPAGE n. the main page of a website.
MAGESHIPSmageships n. Plural of mageship.
MAGESHIP n. the office of a sorcerer.
PEMPHIGUSpemphigus n. (Pathology) A severe autoimmune skin disease characterized by pustules and painful blisters, and which can be fatal.
PEMPHIGUS n. (Greek) a somewhat rare skin disease, characterized by the development of blebs upon different parts of the body, also PEMPHIX.
PESHMERGApeshmerga n. A term used by Kurds to refer to armed Kurdish fighters.
peshmerga n. The official name of the military forces of Iraqi Kurdistan.
PESHMERGA n. the military forces of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan.
PHAGOSOMEphagosome n. A membrane-bound vacuole within a cell containing foreign material captured by phagocytosis.
PHAGOSOME n. part of a biological cell.
PHENOGAMSphenogams n. Plural of phenogam.
PHENOGAM n. (Greek) any plant of the class Phaenogamia, flowering plants, also PHAENOGAM.
PHLEGMONSphlegmons n. Plural of phlegmon.
PHLEGMON n. an inflammation with pus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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