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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing E, G, 2H, I and S

HAGFISHEShagfishes n. Plural of hagfish.
HAGFISH n. a scavenging fish which resembles an eel.
HEIGHTENSheightens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of heighten.
HEIGHTEN v. to raise.
HEIGHTISMheightism n. (Informal) A prejudiced attitude about human height that often results in discrimination, based on the…
HEIGHTISM n. discrimination on grounds of height.
HIGHLIFEShighlifes n. Plural of highlife.
HIGHLIFE n. the lifestyle of fashionable society.
HIGHRISEShighrises n. Plural of highrise.
high-rises n. Plural of high-rise.
HIGHRISE n. a building with many stories.
HIGHVELDSHIGHVELD n. (South African) a high altitude grassland region of East South Africa.
HOGFISHEShogfishes n. Plural of hogfish.
HOGFISH n. a large West Indian and Florida food fish, aka pigfish.
HUSHERINGhushering v. Present participle of husher.
HUSHER v. to usher, escort people to heir seats.
REHASHINGrehashing v. Present participle of rehash.
rehashing n. The act by which something is rehashed.
REHASH v. to go over old ideas again.
SHEATHINGsheathing n. Something that wraps around or surrounds something, as a sheath encases its blade.
sheathing v. Present participle of sheathe.
SHEATHING n. the act of sheathing.
SHEUCHINGSHEUCH v. (Scots) to plant temporarily, also SHEUGH.
SHEUGHINGSHEUGH v. (Scots) to plant temporarily, also SHEUCH.
SUPERHIGHsuperhigh adj. Extremely high.
SUPERHIGH adj. extremely high.
THRESHINGthreshing v. Present participle of thresh.
threshing n. The process by which something is threshed.
THRESHING n. the act of threshing.
WHEESHINGwheeshing v. Present participle of wheesh.
WHEESH v. (Scots) to call for silence, also WHEESHT, WHISHT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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