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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing E, 2G, N, O and T

DEGOUTINGDEGOUT v. (French) to make (something) into drops.
DOGGONESTdoggonest adj. Superlative form of doggone: most doggone.
DOGGONE adj. damned, cursed.
EGOTISINGegotising v. Present participle of egotise.
EGOTISE v. to talk about oneself a lot, also EGOTIZE.
EGOTIZINGegotizing v. Present participle of egotize.
EGOTIZE v. to talk about oneself a lot, also EGOTISE.
GEOGNOSTSgeognosts n. Plural of geognost.
GEOGNOST n. one versed in geognosy, knowledge of the general structure of the earth.
GHETTOINGghettoing v. Present participle of ghetto.
GHETTO v. to confine to a ghetto.
GOITROGENgoitrogen n. Any agent that causes goiter, such as thiouracil.
GOITROGEN n. a substance (such as thiourea or thiouracil) that induces goiter formation.
GONGSTERSgongsters n. Plural of gongster.
GONGSTER n. a person who strikes a gong.
GOSTERINGGOSTER v. (dialect) to laugh uncontrollably.
HOGTIEINGhogtieing v. Present participle of hogtie.
hog-tieing v. Present participle of hog-tie.
HOGTIE v. to tie the legs together.
REGGAETONreggaeton n. A style of Latin American popular music, originally developing from reggae in Panama but now more of…
reggaetón n. Alternative spelling of reggaeton.
REGGAETON n. a form of music blending West Indian music influences of reggae and dancehall with those of Latin America.
TOGGERINGTOGGER v. (colloquial) to play football.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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