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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, F, L and 3S

FALSENESSfalseness n. The characteristic of being false.
FALSENESS n. the state of being false.
FEASTLESSfeastless adj. Without a feast.
FEASTLESS adj. without a feast.
FEBLESSESFEBLESSE n. (Spenser) feebleness.
FLESHLESSfleshless adj. Without flesh, lacking flesh; lean.
FLESHLESS adj. without flesh; lean.
FLOSSIESTflossiest adj. Superlative form of flossy: most flossy.
FLOSSY adj. resembling a light soft fibre.
FLUSHNESSflushness n. The state of being flush or well supplied; abundance.
flushness n. (Engineering) The state of being flush: smoothly aligned, not sticking out.
FLUSHNESS n. the state of being flush; abundance.
FOCUSLESSfocusless adj. Lacking focus.
FOCUSLESS adj. without focus.
FOSSILISEfossilise v. Alternative spelling of fossilize.
FOSSILISE v. to turn into a fossil, also FOSSILIZE.
FROSTLESSfrostless adj. Without frost.
FROSTLESS adj. without frost.
FULNESSESfulnesses n. Plural of fulness.
FULNESS n. the state of being full, also FULLNESS.
PRESSFULSpressfuls n. Plural of pressful.
PRESSFUL n. the contents of a press e.g. of oil or wine.
SALSIFIESsalsifies n. Plural of salsify.
SALSIFY n. the oyster plant, a purple-flowered European composite plant cultivated for its edible root tasting like oysters.
SHAFTLESSshaftless adj. Without a shaft.
SHAFTLESS adj. without shafts.
SHIFTLESSshiftless adj. Lazy, unmotivated.
shiftless adj. Untrustworthy as a result of being incompetent at the job.
shiftless adj. Destitute of shifts or expedients; lacking proper means.
SKIFFLESSSKIFFLESS adj. without a skiff.
SLASHFESTSLASHFEST n. a film or computer game that involves bloody slayings involving blades.
SLUGFESTSslugfests n. Plural of slugfest.
SLUGFEST n. a vigorous fight.
STRESSFULstressful adj. Irritating; causing stress.
STRESSFUL adj. causing stress.
STUFFLESSstuffless adj. (Informal) without unnecessary things.
STUFFLESS adj. lacking in stuff.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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