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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, F, I, N, O and P

FOREPOINTforepoint v. (Transitive) To foreshadow.
FOREPOINT v. to foreshadow.
IBUPROFENibuprofen n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound used widely as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.
ibuprofen v. (Rare) To treat with ibuprofen; to administer ibuprofen to.
IBUPROFEN n. an anti-inflammatory drug.
PENNIFORMpenniform adj. Feather-shaped.
penniform n. (Archaeology) A symbol that is shaped like a feather.
PENNIFORM adj. feather-shaped.
PERFUSIONperfusion n. The act of perfusing.
perfusion n. (Medicine) The introduction of a drug or nutrients through the bloodstream in order to reach an internal…
PERFUSION n. the act of perfusing.
PERSONIFYpersonify v. (Transitive) To be an example of; to have all the attributes of.
personify v. (Transitive) To create a representation of (an abstract quality) in the form of a character or persona.
PERSONIFY v. to be the embodiment of.
PINAFOREDpinafored adj. Wearing a pinafore.
PINAFORED adj. wearing a pinafore.
PINAFORESpinafores n. Plural of pinafore.
PINAFORE n. a loose protective garment worn over a dress.
PINFOLDEDpinfolded v. Simple past tense and past participle of pinfold.
PINFOLD v. to impound, also PENFOLD.
PONTIFICEpontifice n. Bridgework; structure or edifice of a bridge.
PONTIFICE n. (Milton) bridgework; a bridge.
PONTIFIEDpontified v. Simple past tense and past participle of pontify.
PONTIFY v. to play the pontiff.
PONTIFIESpontifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pontify.
PONTIFY v. to play the pontiff.
PORIFERANporiferan n. (Zoology) Any sponge of the phylum Porifera.
PORIFERAN adj. relating to the Porifera, sponges, also PORIFERAL.
PORIFERAN n. a member of the sponge family.
PREFIXIONprefixion n. (Archaic) The act of prefixing.
PREFIXION n. the act of prefixing.
PREINFORMPREINFORM v. to inform in advance.
PRENOTIFYprenotify v. (Transitive) To notify in advance.
PRENOTIFY v. to notify beforehand.
REEFPOINTreefpoint n. (Nautical) Any of a series of short ropes attached to a sail that are used to secure it when reefed.
reef␣point n. (Nautical) A short line, stitched through a sail, for tying a reef.
REEFPOINT n. any of several short pieces of rope attached to a sail to secure it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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