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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing E, F, I, M, P and R

AMPLIFIERamplifier n. Anything that amplifies, or makes something larger or more intense.
amplifier n. (Linguistics) An adverb that adds intensity, such as "really" or "totally".
amplifier n. (Electronics) An appliance or circuit that increases the strength of a weak electrical signal without…
CAMPFIREScampfires n. Plural of campfire.
CAMPFIRE n. a fire to sit round at camp.
FIREDAMPSfiredamps n. Plural of firedamp.
FIREDAMP n. a combustible mine gas, mainly methane, that can explode upon contact with a supply of oxygen.
FRUMPIESTfrumpiest adj. Superlative form of frumpy: most frumpy.
FRUMPY adj. ill-dressed or dowdy.
IMPERFECTimperfect adj. Not perfect.
imperfect adj. (Botany) unisexual: having either male (with stamens) or female (with pistil) flowers, but not with both.
imperfect adj. (Taxonomy) known or expected to be polyphyletic, as of a form taxon.
PELVIFORMpelviform adj. Basin-shaped.
PELVIFORM adj. basin-shaped.
PENNIFORMpenniform adj. Feather-shaped.
penniform n. (Archaeology) A symbol that is shaped like a feather.
PENNIFORM adj. feather-shaped.
PERCIFORMperciform adj. Of or pertaining to any of very many fish, of the order Perciformes, that have fin spines, a swim bladder…
perciform n. Such a fish.
PERCIFORM n. a perch-like fish.
PERFUMIERperfumier n. Alternative form of parfumier.
PERFUMIER n. one who prepares perfumes, also PERFUMER.
PERFUMINGperfuming v. Present participle of perfume.
PERFUME v. to fill with a fragrant odour.
PLEXIFORMplexiform adj. (Medicine, pathology) Having the form of a plexus.
plexiform n. (Medicine, pathology) plexiform neurofibroma.
PLEXIFORM adj. in the form of a network.
PREINFORMPREINFORM v. to inform in advance.
PREMODIFYpremodify v. To modify in advance.
PREMODIFY v. to modify beforehand.
SEPTIFORMseptiform adj. Having the form of a septum.
septiform adj. Having seven parts; sevenfold.
SEPTIFORM adj. shaped like a partition.
SUPERFIRMsuperfirm n. An especially large and successful firm (business concern).
SUPERFIRM n. a large firm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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