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There are 14 nine-letter words containing E, F, I, M, N and U

CUNEIFORMcuneiform adj. Having the form of a wedge; wedge-shaped, especially with a tapered end.
cuneiform adj. Written in the cuneiform writing system.
cuneiform n. An ancient Mesopotamian writing system, adapted within several language families, originating as pictograms…
FULMINATEfulminate v. (Intransitive, figuratively) To make a verbal attack.
fulminate v. (Transitive, figuratively) To issue as a denunciation.
fulminate v. (Intransitive) To thunder or make a loud noise.
FURNIMENTfurniment n. (Obsolete) Accoutrements, fittings.
FURNIMENT n. (Spenser) furnishing.
HUMEFYINGhumefying v. Present participle of humefy.
HUMEFY v. (obsolete) to moisten, also HUMIFY.
MEIOFAUNAmeiofauna n. (Ecology) A type of interstitial fauna, such as psammon, found in rock fissures, between the grains…
MEIOFAUNA n. animals less than 1 mm and larger than 0.1 mm across.
MUFFINEERmuffineer n. A dish for keeping muffins hot.
muffineer n. (Obsolete or historical) A small jar or caster with a perforated top for sprinkling salt or sugar on muffins.
MUFFINEER n. a dish for keeping muffins hot.
MUNDIFIEDmundified v. Simple past tense and past participle of mundify.
MUNDIFY v. to cleanse, purify.
MUNDIFIESmundifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mundify.
MUNDIFY v. to cleanse, purify.
PERFUMINGperfuming v. Present participle of perfume.
PERFUME v. to fill with a fragrant odour.
REMINDFULremindful adj. That serves to remind one of something; reminiscent.
REMINDFUL adj. tending to remind.
TUMEFYINGtumefying v. Present participle of tumefy.
TUMEFY v. to swell.
UNCOMFIERUNCOMFY adj. (colloquial) not comfortable.
UNIFORMEDuniformed adj. Dressed in a uniform.
uniformed adj. In an occupation that requires a uniform, such as the police force or military.
uniformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of uniform.
UNIFORMERuniformer adj. Comparative form of uniform: more uniform.
UNIFORM adj. consistent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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