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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing E, F, G, L, O and T

AFTERGLOWafterglow n. The glow seen in the sky after sunset.
afterglow n. The light emitted by an incandescent object while cooling.
afterglow n. The light emitted by a phosphor after excitation.
EIGHTFOILeightfoil n. (Heraldry) An octofoil.
EIGHTFOIL n. an eight-leaved flower.
EIGHTFOLDeightfold adj. Eight times as much; multiplied by eight.
eightfold adj. Containing eight parts.
eightfold adv. By a factor of eight.
FESTILOGYfestilogy n. A treatise on church festivals.
FESTILOGY n. a treatise on ecclesiastical festivals, also FESTOLOGY.
FESTOLOGYfestology n. A form of martyrology that lists the feast days.
FESTOLOGY n. a treatise on ecclesiastical festivals, also FESTILOGY.
FLAGEOLETflageolet n. (Music) A type of small flute of the fipple family.
flageolet n. (Music) A technique for playing stringed instrument that produces high-pitched overtones.
flageolet n. A type of kidney bean, common in France.
FLAGSTONEflagstone n. A flat, rectangular piece of rock or stone used for paving or roofing.
flagstone n. One of several types of rock easily split and suitable for making flagstones.
FLAGSTONE n. a large paving stone.
FLOATAGESfloatages n. Plural of floatage.
FLOATAGE n. the act of floating, flotsam, also FLOTAGE.
FLOODGATEfloodgate n. An adjustable gate or valve used to control the flow of water through a sluice.
floodgate n. (By extension) Anything that controls or limits an outpouring of people, emotion etc.
floodgate n. (Obsolete) A stream that passes through a floodgate; a torrent.
FORGETFULforgetful adj. Unable to remember things well; liable to forget.
forgetful adj. (Mathematics) Dropping some of the input’s structure or properties before producing an output.
FORGETFUL adj. inclined to forget.
FORTILAGEfortilage n. (Obsolete) A little fort; a blockhouse.
FORTILAGE n. (Spenser) fortress, stronghold.
GATEFOLDSgatefolds n. Plural of gatefold.
GATEFOLD n. a folded insert in a magazine or book, also FOLDOUT.
GOUTFLIESGOUTFLY n. a fly whose larvae cause gout.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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