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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing E, F, G, L and 2O

BEFOOLINGbefooling v. Present participle of befool.
BEFOOL v. to fool; to delude or lead into error.
FESTOLOGYfestology n. A form of martyrology that lists the feast days.
FESTOLOGY n. a treatise on ecclesiastical festivals, also FESTILOGY.
FLOODGATEfloodgate n. An adjustable gate or valve used to control the flow of water through a sluice.
floodgate n. (By extension) Anything that controls or limits an outpouring of people, emotion etc.
floodgate n. (Obsolete) A stream that passes through a floodgate; a torrent.
FOXGLOVESfoxgloves n. Plural of foxglove.
fox-gloves n. Plural of fox-glove.
FOXGLOVE n. a tall plant with drooping bell-shaped flowers.
GOODFELLAgoodfella n. (US, informal) A Mafia gangster.
GOODFELLA n. a gangster, esp. a member of the Mafia.
NONGOLFERnongolfer n. A person who does not play golf.
NONGOLFER n. someone who is not a golfer.
SOLFEGGIOsolfeggio n. (Music) Synonym of solfège.
SOLFEGGIO n. a singing exercise using the syllable do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, also SOLFEGE.
UFOLOGIESufologies n. Plural of ufology.
UFOLOGY n. the study of unidentified flying objects.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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