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There are 17 nine-letter words containing E, F, G, L, N and T

DEFLATINGdeflating v. Present participle of deflate.
DEFLATE v. to release the air or gas from.
EFFULGENTeffulgent adj. (Literary, also figuratively) Radiant, resplendent, shining.
EFFULGENT adj. radiant; bright.
FALTERINGfaltering adj. Hesitant, halting.
faltering v. Present participle of falter.
faltering n. Hesitancy.
FELLATINGfellating v. Present participle of fellate.
FELLATE v. to stimulate the penis orally.
FELTERINGfeltering v. Present participle of felter.
FELTER v. to mat together like felt.
FETTLINGSfettlings n. Plural of fettling.
FETTLING n. loose material thrown on the hearth of a furnace to protect it.
FILLETINGfilleting v. Present participle of fillet.
filleting n. (Architecture) The protecting of a joint, as between roof and parapet wall, with mortar or cement, where…
filleting n. The material of which fillets are made.
FILTERINGfiltering v. Present participle of filter.
filtering n. The process of passing something through a filter.
filtering n. Something that passes through a filter.
FLAGSTONEflagstone n. A flat, rectangular piece of rock or stone used for paving or roofing.
flagstone n. One of several types of rock easily split and suitable for making flagstones.
FLAGSTONE n. a large paving stone.
FLETCHINGfletching v. Present participle of fletch.
fletching n. The process of attaching fins, such as halved feathers, to a projectile in order to stabilize its flight.
fletching n. The fins or feathers so attached.
FULGENTLYfulgently adv. In a fulgent manner; so as to dazzle or glitter.
FULGENT adv. shining brightly, also FULGID.
GENUFLECTgenuflect v. (Intransitive, archaic) To bend the knee, as in servitude.
genuflect v. (Intransitive) To briefly enter a position that touches one knee to the ground in a manner that is typically…
genuflect v. (Intransitive, figurative) To behave in a servile manner; to grovel.
LENGTHFULlengthful adj. (Obsolete) long.
LENGTHFUL adj. long.
NIGHTLIFEnightlife n. Nocturnal activities, especially visiting nightclubs.
NIGHTLIFE n. life that goes on at night.
REFLATINGreflating v. Present participle of reflate.
REFLATE v. to inflate again.
REFULGENTrefulgent adj. Resplendent, or shining brightly and radiantly.
refulgent adj. (Figuratively) As if giving off light or warmth.
REFULGENT adj. radiant, brilliant, shining.
TELFERINGTELFER v. to transport by a system of aerial cable cars, also TELPHER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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