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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing E, F, G, I, M and R

DEFORMINGdeforming v. Present participle of deform.
DEFORM v. to spoil the form of.
ENFORMINGenforming v. Present participle of enform.
ENFORM v. (Spenser) to form; to fashion.
ENFRAMINGenframing v. Present participle of enframe.
ENFRAME v. to put in a frame.
FILMGOERSfilmgoers n. Plural of filmgoer.
film-goers n. Plural of film-goer.
FILMGOER n. one who goes to see motion pictures.
FOGRAMITEFOGRAMITE n. an antiquated person or thing.
GALEIFORMgaleiform adj. Having the shape of a galea.
GALEIFORM adj. helmet-shaped.
MAGNIFIERmagnifier n. That which magnifies.
MAGNIFIER n. something that magnifies.
PERFUMINGperfuming v. Present participle of perfume.
PERFUME v. to fill with a fragrant odour.
REFILMINGrefilming v. Present participle of refilm.
refilming n. The process of filming something again.
REFILM v. to film again.
REFORMINGreforming v. Present participle of reform.
reforming n. Reformation.
reforming n. (Chemistry) A catalytic process, whereby short-chain molecules are combined to make larger ones; used…
REFRAMINGreframing v. Present participle of reframe.
reframing n. Framing anew or again.
re-framing v. Present participle of re-frame.
VERMIFUGEvermifuge adj. (Medicine, dated) Acting as a drug to cause expulsion or death of intestinal worms.
vermifuge n. (Medicine, dated) A drug that causes the expulsion or death of intestinal worms, such as tapeworms.
VERMIFUGE n. a medicine or substance that expels worms from animal bodies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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