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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2E, O, P, T and Z

AZEOTROPEazeotrope n. (Physics) A mixture of two or more substances whose liquid and gaseous forms have the same composition…
azeotrope v. To create a mixture of this kind.
AZEOTROPE n. a chemical term for a certain type of liquid mixture.
EPITOMIZEepitomize v. To make an epitome of; to shorten; to condense.
epitomize v. To be an epitome of.
EPITOMIZE v. to make an epitome of; to shorten or abridge, also EPITOMISE.
EPIZOITESepizoites n. Plural of epizoite.
EPIZOITE n. an epizoic organism.
OPERATIZEoperatize v. (Transitive) To convert into operatic form.
OPERATIZE v. to turn a play etc. into an opera, also OPERATISE.
PEPTONIZEpeptonize v. (Physiology, biochemistry) To convert a protein into peptones under the influence of the enzyme pepsin.
PEPTONIZE v. to make (a protein) soluble by partial predigestion, esp. in the treatment of food, also PEPTONISE.
PHONETIZEphonetize v. (Transitive) To represent by phonetic signs.
PHONETIZE v. to represent phonetically, also PHONETICISE, PHONETICIZE, PHONETISE.
POETICIZEpoeticize v. (Transitive) To make poetic, or express in poetry.
poeticize v. (Intransitive) To write or speak in the manner of a poet.
POETICIZE v. to write, speak, or treat, poetically, also POETICISE.
POETIZERSpoetizers n. Plural of poetizer.
POETIZER n. one who poetises, also POETISER.
POSTERIZEposterize v. To reduce the number of colors in an image, changing a continuous gradation of tone to several regions…
posterize v. (Basketball, slang) To score a slam dunk by leaping over another player.
POSTERIZE v. (US and Canadian slang) to humiliate (a sporting opponent) by performing a dramatic feat against them, also POSTERISE.
POTENTIZEpotentize v. (Transitive) To make potent; to render the latent power of (anything) available.
POTENTIZE v. to render the latent power of (anything) available, also POTENTISE.
TEMPORIZEtemporize v. (Intransitive) To deliberately act evasively or prolong a discussion in order to gain time or postpone…
temporize v. (Intransitive, by extension) To discuss, to negotiate; to reach a compromise.
temporize v. (Transitive, dentistry) To apply a temporary piece of dental work that will later be removed.
ZOETROPESzoetropes n. Plural of zoetrope.
ZOETROPE n. (Greek) a slotted rotating cylinder producing primitive animation, also ZOOTROPE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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