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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2M, R and U

BUMMAREESbummarees n. Plural of bummaree.
BUMMAREE n. a middleman in Billingsgate fish-market.
DUMMERERSdummerers n. Plural of dummerer.
DUMMERER n. somebody who pretends to be dumb in order to appear a more deserving beggar.
EMPYREUMAempyreuma n. (Obsolete, chemistry) The peculiar smell and taste arising from products of decomposition of animal…
EMPYREUMA n. the peculiar smell and taste arising from products of decomposition of animal or vegetable substances when burnt in close vessels.
EUMERISMSEUMERISM n. a biologic aggregation of similar parts.
EXTREMUMSextremums n. Plural of extremum.
EXTREMUM n. (Latin) a maximum or minimum of a mathematical function.
FREEMIUMSfreemiums n. Plural of freemium.
FREEMIUM n. a business model in which a basic service is provided free of charge, with extra services available to paying subscribers.
GRUMMETEDGRUMMET v. to fit with grummets, also GROMMET, GROMET.
HUMMELLERhummeller n. Alternative form of hummeler.
HUMMELLER n. (dialect) a machine for removing barley awns.
LUMBERMENlumbermen n. Plural of lumberman.
LUMBERMAN n. someone employed in the felling, sawing etc. of timber, also LUMBERER, LUMBERJACK.
MEZEREUMSmezereums n. Plural of mezereum.
MEZEREUM n. (Arabic) an early-flowering woodland shrub with fragrant purplish or rose-coloured flowers, also MEZEREON.
MUMMERIESmummeries n. Plural of mummery.
MUMMERY n. a performance by mummers.
SKUMMEREDSKUMMER v. (archaic) to void excrement, also SCUMBER.
SUMMERIERsummerier adj. Comparative form of summery: more summery.
SUMMERY adj. characteristic of summer, also SUMMERLY.
SUMMERSETsummerset n. Archaic spelling of somersault.
summerset v. Archaic spelling of somersault.
SUMMERSET n. a leap in which a person turns his heels over his head and lights upon his feet.
SUMMITEERsummiteer n. Someone who reaches a summit.
summiteer n. A mountain climber.
summiteer n. Someone who attends a conference denoted as a summit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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