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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2M and 2O

AMMOCOETEammocoete n. (Zoology) A larva of a lamprey.
AMMOCOETE n. the larva of a lamprey, also AMMOCETE.
DESMOSOMEdesmosome n. (Biology) A structural unit that functions in the adhesion of cells to form tissue.
DESMOSOME n. a small thickened patch on the membrane of a cell.
EMBLOOMEDembloomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of embloom.
EMBLOOM v. to cover with bloom.
EMBOSOMEDembosomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of embosom.
EMBOSOM v. to embrace, also IMBOSOM.
HOMECOMERhomecomer n. One who returns home from another place.
HOMECOMER n. a person coming home.
HOMEOMERYhomeomery n. Alternative form of homoeomeria.
HOMEOMERY n. the state of being homoeomeric, having all the somites alike, also HOMOEOMERY.
MENOPOMESmenopomes n. Plural of menopome.
MENOPOME n. a large American salamander, aka hellbender.
MEROSOMESmerosomes n. Plural of merosome.
MEROSOME n. one of the serial segments of which a body is composed, also MEROME.
MESOSOMESmesosomes n. Plural of mesosome.
MESOSOME n. a convoluted invagination of the cell wall in some bacteria.
METRONOMEmetronome n. (Music) A device, containing an inverted pendulum, used to mark time by means of regular ticks at adjustable…
METRONOME n. a mechanical device which indicates the exact tempo of a piece of music by producing a clicking sound from a pendulum with an adjustable period of swing.
MOMENTOESmomentoes n. Plural of momento.
MOMENTO n. something kept or given as a reminder, also MEMENTO.
MONOMETERmonometer n. (Poetry) A line of verse containing a single metrical foot.
MONOMETER n. a rhythmic series, consisting of a single meter.
MONOTREMEmonotreme n. (Zoology) A mammal that lays eggs and has a single urogenital and digestive orifice. Only the echidnas…
monotreme adj. (Palynology, of a pollen grain) Having a single trema, or aperture.
MONOTREME n. a primitive Australian egg-laying mammal, e.g. a duck-billed platypus.
OSMOMETERosmometer n. Any of various devices used to measure osmotic pressure.
OSMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring osmotic pressure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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