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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2E, L, T, U and Y

AUREATELYAUREATE adv. pertaining to the fancy or flowery words used by poets.
AUSTERELYausterely adv. In an austere manner.
AUSTERE adv. severe.
BUTYLENESbutylenes n. Plural of butylene.
BUTYLENE n. a gaseous hydrocarbon.
CUNEATELYcuneately adv. In a cuneate manner.
CUNEATE adv. wedge-shaped, also CUNEAL, CUNEATED, CUNEATIC.
ELECTUARYelectuary n. (Medicine) Any preparation of a medicine mixed with honey or other sweetener in order to make it more…
ELECTUARY n. a medicine mixed with honey or syrup.
ERUDITELYeruditely adv. In a learned or scholarly manner.
ERUDITE adv. learned.
EUDIALYTEeudialyte n. (Mineralogy) A red silicate mineral that forms in alkaline igneous rocks such as nepheline syenites.
EUDIALYTE n. a silicate of zirconium, sodium, calcium and iron, occurring in Greenland, easily dissolved by acids.
EUTRAPELYeutrapely n. Conversational wit, one of the moral virtues proposed by Aristotle.
EUTRAPELY n. wit, ease and urbanity of conversation, also EUTRAPELIA.
FEATURELYfeaturely adj. Having features; showing marked peculiarities; handsome.
FEATURELY adj. (archaic) handsome.
FLUTEYESTFLUTEY adj. like a flute in tone, also FLUTY.
LEUCOCYTEleucocyte n. (Immunology) Alternative spelling of leukocyte.
LEUCOCYTE n. a colourless corpuscle, as one of the white blood corpuscles, also LEUKOCYTE.
LEUKOCYTEleukocyte n. (Hematology, cytology, immunology) Any of a class of blood cells that play various roles in cell-mediated immunity.
LEUKOCYTE n. a colorless corpuscle, as one of the white blood corpuscles, also LEUCOCYTE.
OUTYELLEDoutyelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outyell.
OUTYELL v. to yell louder than.
OUTYELPEDoutyelped v. Simple past tense and past participle of outyelp.
OUTYELP v. to surpass in yelping.
REPUTEDLYreputedly adv. According to repute or general belief.
REPUTED adv. REPUTE, to consider to be as specified.
SEQUENTLYSEQUENT adv. following.
TEMULENCYtemulency n. Intoxication, drunkenness, temulence.
TEMULENCY n. intoxication, also TEMULENCE.
YULETIDESyuletides n. Plural of yuletide.
Yuletides n. Plural of Yuletide.
YULETIDE n. Christmas or Christmastide, also YULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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