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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2E, L and 3T

COTELETTECOTELETTE n. (French) a cutlet, a chop.
CUTLETTESCUTLETTE n. a breaded patty of chopped meat.
FLATETTESflatettes n. Plural of flatette.
FLATETTE n. (Australian slang) a small flat.
LETTERSETLETTERSET n. a method of rotary printing.
MATELOTTEMATELOTTE n. (French) a kind of rich fish stew, also MATELOTE.
NETTLIESTNETTLY adj. like a nettle.
OTTRELITEottrelite n. (Mineralogy) A form of the mineral chloritoid.
OTTRELITE n. a mineral like chlorite but harder.
STATELETSstatelets n. Plural of statelet.
STATELET n. a small political state.
SUTTLETIEsuttletie n. Obsolete form of subtlety.
TABLETTEDtabletted v. Simple past tense and past participle of tablet.
TABLET v. to write on a small flat surface.
TEAKETTLEteakettle n. (Dated outside US) A vessel used to boil water for tea or other hot beverages.
teakettle v. (Intransitive, rare) To make a shrill sound like a boiling teakettle.
tea-kettle n. Alternative form of teakettle.
TEETOTALSteetotals n. Plural of teetotal.
TEETOTAL v. to practise or advocate teetotalism.
TELETEXTSTELETEXT n. a system by which an adapted television set is able to show alphanumeric information selected from displays transmitted using the spare capacity of existing television channels.
TELNETTEDtelnetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of telnet.
TELNET v. to access a computer system remotely.
TILTMETERtiltmeter n. An instrument designed to measure very small changes from the horizontal level.
TILTMETER n. an instrument for measuring tilting of earth's surface.
TOILETTEStoilettes n. Plural of toilette.
TOILETTE n. (French) the act of washing, dressing, arranging the hair, etc.
TOWELETTEtowelette n. A small towel, hand or face wipe.
TOWELETTE n. a small usually premoistened piece of material e.g. for cleaning the hands.
TUILLETTEtuillette n. (Historical) A small tuille (armor plate for the thigh).
TUILLETTE n. (French) a small tuille, a piece of armour plate hanging below the tasses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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