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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2E, L, M, O and U

EMBOLUSESemboluses n. Plural of embolus.
EMBOLUS n. (Latin) a clot or air bubble obstructing a blood-vessel.
EMOLUMENTemolument n. (Formal) Payment for employment or an office; compensation for a job, which is usually monetary.
EMOLUMENT n. payment; profit arising from employment.
FUMEROLESfumeroles n. Plural of fumerole.
FUMEROLE n. a hole in a volcanic region from which hot gases and vapors issue, also FUMAROLE.
GLOMERULEglomerule n. (Botany) A head or dense cluster of flowers, formed by condensation of a cyme, as in the flowering dogwood.
glomerule n. (Anatomy) A glomerulus.
GLOMERULE n. a cluster of short-stalked flowers.
LEUCOTOMEleucotome n. (Medicine) An instrument used to perform a leucotomy.
LEUCOTOME n. a needle used to carry out a leucotomy, also LEUKOTOME.
LEUKEMOIDleukemoid adj. Resembling leukemia, but triggered by stress, infection, etc. rather than actual malignancy.
LEUKEMOID adj. resembling leukemia but not causing the same changes in blood-forming organs.
LEUKOTOMELEUKOTOME n. a needle used in leukotomy, also LEUCOTOME.
MEGAJOULEmegajoule n. (Metrology) An SI unit of energy equal to 106 joules. Symbol: MJ.
mega-joule n. One million ( 106 ) joules. Symbol: MJ.
MEGAJOULE n. a million joules.
MELUNGEONMelungeon adj. Of or pertaining to any of several similar Mestee groups currently and historically found in the Southeastern…
Melungeon n. A Melungeon person.
MELUNGEON n. any of a dark-skinned group of people living in the Appalachians, of mixed White, Indian and Black origin.
MOLECULESmolecules n. Plural of molecule.
MOLECULE n. the smallest unit of matter that has the chemical and physical properties of a particular chemical compound.
MOULDEREDmouldered v. Simple past tense and past participle of moulder.
MOULDER v. to turn to dust by natural decay, also MOLDER.
MOUSELIKEmouselike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a mouse (rodent); as, a mouselike squeak, mouselike timidity.
mouselike adv. (Postpositive) In a mouselike way.
MOUSELIKE adj. like a mouse.
MOUTHFEELmouthfeel n. The texture of food, drink, etc. as perceived by the mouth.
MOUTHFEEL n. the sensory perception of a particular food while chewing.
NONLEGUMEnonlegume n. That which is not a legume.
NONLEGUME n. a plant that is not a legume.
PETROLEUMpetroleum n. A flammable liquid ranging in color from clear to very dark brown and black, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons…
PETROLEUM n. a general term including both oil and natural gas.
REMOULADEremoulade n. A popular condiment in many countries, usually mayonnaise-based.
rémoulade n. Alternative spelling of remoulade.
REMOULADE n. (French) a piquant sauce, also REMOLADE.
REMOULDEDremoulded v. Simple past tense and past participle of remould.
REMOULD v. to retread a tyre, also REMOLD.
UNWELCOMEunwelcome adj. Not welcome.
unwelcome v. (Transitive, rare) To treat as unwelcome.
UNWELCOME adj. not welcome.
VOLUMETERvolumeter n. Any instrument used to measure the volume of a substance.
VOLUMETER n. an instrument for measuring the volume of a liquid or gas.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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