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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2E, 2L, N and Y

CLEMENTLYclemently adv. In a clement manner.
CLEMENT adv. merciful.
ELEGANTLYelegantly adv. Gracefully, smoothly, and swiftly; with supreme style.
ELEGANT adv. tastefully opulent.
ENDLESSLYendlessly adv. In an endless manner; continuously without limit.
ENDLESS adv. eternal.
ENTERALLYenterally adv. By means of the intestine.
ENTERAL adv. pertaining to the enteron.
ETERNALLYeternally adv. For eternity; forever.
eternally adv. Unceasingly, recurringly.
ETERNAL adv. everlasting, also ETERNE.
FEELINGLYfeelingly adv. In a feeling manner.
GENERALLYgenerally adv. Popularly or widely.
generally adv. As a rule; usually.
generally adv. Without reference to specific details.
GENTEELLYgenteelly adv. In a genteel manner.
GENTEEL adv. well-bred or refined.
HONEYBELLhoneybell n. A kind of minneola tangelo from Florida.
HONEYBELL n. a hybrid of a tangerine and a pomelo, or grapefruit.
JELLYBEANjellybean n. Alternative spelling of jelly bean.
jellybean adj. (Slang, electronics, programming) of an electronic component, or software algorithm: generic, standard…
jelly␣bean n. A small, bean-shaped, chewy candy/sweet with a firm coating and a jelly-like center, made of sugar…
LEARNEDLYlearnedly adv. In an educated and knowledgeable manner.
learnèdly adv. Alternative spelling of learnedly.
LEARNED adv. LEARN, to be informed.
LEERINGLYleeringly adv. In a leering manner.
LENIENTLYleniently adv. In a lenient manner.
LENIENT adv. not severe, tolerant.
NEEDFULLYneedfully adv. In a needful manner; necessarily.
NEEDFUL adv. necessary.
REELINGLYreelingly adv. With a reeling motion.
REELING adv. staggering.
SLENDERLYslenderly adv. Thinly, slightly, delicately.
slenderly adv. Meagrely; deficiently.
SLENDER adv. slight of build.
TENSILELYtensilely adv. In a tensile manner.
TENSILE adv. of or relating to stretching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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