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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2E, I, 2N and Y

EMINENTLYeminently adv. In an eminent or prominent manner.
eminently adv. To a great degree; notably; highly.
EMINENT adv. of high station or rank.
FIVEPENNYfivepenny adj. (Dated) Costing fivepence.
FIVEPENNY adj. worth five pence.
GENUINELYgenuinely adv. In a genuine manner; truthfully, truly.
GENUINE adv. authentic.
INDECENCYindecency n. Lack of decency; the property or degree of being indecent.
indecency n. Something showing lack of decency; something (such as a word) that is indecent.
INDECENCY n. the quality of being indecent.
INHERENCYinherency n. The condition of being inherent.
INHERENCY n. the state of inhering, also INHERENCE, INHESION.
INTENSELYintensely adv. In an intense manner.
intensely adv. To an intense degree, extremely.
INTENSE adv. existing in a high degree.
LENIENTLYleniently adv. In a lenient manner.
LENIENT adv. not severe, tolerant.
NINEPENNYninepenny adj. Having a value or cost of ninepence.
ninepenny n. (Historical) A relatively cheap seat in a cinema, costing ninepence.
NINEPENNY n. a coin worth nine pence.
PENITENCYpenitency n. Obsolete form of penitence.
PENITENCY n. the state of being penitent, also PENITENCE.
PENNYWISEpennywise adj. Careful with small amounts of money or over small matters.
penny-wise adj. Thrifty in regards to small amounts of money.
PENNYWISE adj. careful with small amounts of money.
PERENNITYperennity n. The quality of being perennial.
PERENNITY n. the quality of being perennial.
REDENYINGredenying v. Present participle of redeny.
REDENY v. to deny again.
RENITENCYrenitency n. Alternative form of renitence.
RENITENCY n. the state of being renitent, resistent, also RENITENCE.
SENTIENCYsentiency n. The property of having sensation; sentience.
SENTIENCY n. the state of being sentient, also SENTIENCE.
SHINNEYEDSHINNEY v. to play a form of hockey.
SYNGENEICsyngeneic adj. (Genetics) genetically identical, or sufficiently identical and immunologically compatible as to allow…
SYNGENEIC adj. genetically similar or identical, e.g. in respect of grafts, also SYNGENIC.
SYNTENIESsyntenies n. Plural of synteny.
SYNTENY n. the presence of several genes on the same chromosome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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