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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2E, I, K, R and U

BERKELIUMberkelium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol Bk) with an atomic number of 97.
BERKELIUM n. a radioactive, metallic element made artificially.
BRUTELIKEbrutelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a brute.
BRUTELIKE adj. like a brute.
EURYOKIESEURYOKY n. the ability of an organism to live under variable conditions, also EUROKY.
JOUKERIESJOUKERY n. (Scots) trickery, also JOOKERY.
KEIRETSUSkeiretsus n. Plural of keiretsu.
KEIRETSU n. (Japanese) a coalition of business groups in Japan.
KIESELGURkieselgur n. Alternative spelling of kieselguhr.
KIESELGUR n. (German) a soft diatomaceous earth used as an absorbent in explosives, a filtering medium, etc., also KIESELGUHR.
LEMURLIKElemurlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a lemur.
LEMURLIKE adj. like a lemur.
NURSELIKEnurselike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a nurse.
NURSELIKE adj. like a nurse.
PUCKERIERPUCKERY adj. astringent; tending to wrinkle.
PUCKERIESPUCKERY n. puckishness.
PURSELIKEpurselike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a purse.
PURSELIKE adj. like a purse.
QUICKENERquickener n. One who, or that which, quickens, hastens, or speeds up an object or action.
quickener n. That which gives life, animates, or nourishes.
QUICKENER n. one who quickens.
REFUSENIKrefusenik n. (Soviet Union, slang, historical) One of the citizens of the former Soviet Union, typically but not…
refusenik n. (Colloquial) A person who refuses to do something, for example one who refuses conscription or vaccination.
refusenik n. (Colloquial) A person who wants to do something but is refused permission to.
REQUICKENrequicken v. (Transitive) To quicken anew; to reanimate or give new life to.
REQUICKEN v. (Shakespeare) to give new life to.
SQUEAKIERsqueakier adj. Comparative form of squeaky: more squeaky.
SQUEAKY adj. making a squeak.
SUPERBIKEsuperbike n. (Motorcycling) A super sport bike with a large engine, usually between 800 and 1200 cc.
SUPERBIKE n. a high-powered motorbike.
TURKIESESTURKIES n. (Shakespeare) turquoise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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