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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2E, H, M and 2T

ECTOTHERMectotherm n. (Biology) An animal, such as an amphibian, fish, reptile, or arthropod, which has a limited ability…
ECTOTHERM n. a cold-blooded animal.
HAEMATITEhaematite n. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative spelling of hematite.
hæmatite n. Alternative spelling of hematite.
HAEMATITE n. an ore of iron, also HEMATITE.
HEMATITEShematites n. Plural of hematite.
HEMATITE n. an ore of iron, also HAEMATITE.
HERMETISThermetist n. Alternative form of hermeticist.
HERMETIST n. an adherent of hermetism, a system of ideas based on hermetic teachings.
HETMANATEhetmanate n. Government by a hetman, or the territory thereby governed.
HETMANATE n. the office of hetman, the head or general of the Cossacks.
HUMECTATEhumectate v. (Obsolete) To moisten.
HUMECTATE v. to moisten; to wet, also HUMECT.
METHYLATEmethylate v. To add, or treat with methyl alcohol (see methylated spirits).
methylate v. (Organic chemistry) To add a methyl group to a compound.
methylate v. (Biochemistry) To add a methyl group to a nucleic acid as part of the process of gene expression.
NOMOTHETEnomothete n. A lawgiver; a legislator.
nomothete n. A name giver.
NOMOTHETE n. a lawgiver.
NYMPHETTEnymphette n. Alternative form of nymphet.
NYMPHETTE n. a sexually desirable pubescent girl, also NYMPHET.
THELEMENTTHELEMENT n. (Spenser) the element.
THEMATISEthematise v. (Linguistics) Convert a sentence or a part of it into a theme; modify a verb form by adding a thematic vowel.
thematise v. Make thematic; organize in themes.
thematise v. Bring attention to a topic, e.g. by discussing it constructively.
THEMATIZEthematize v. Alternative spelling of thematise.
THEMATIZE v. to place (a word or phrase) at the start of a sentence in order to focus attention on it, also THEMATISE.
THERMETTEthermette n. (New Zealand) A portable device for efficiently boiling water outdoors using small combustible materials…
THERMETTE n. (tradename) a device, used outdoors, for boiling water rapidly.
THERMITESthermites n. Plural of thermite.
THERMITE n. a metallic mixture that produces intense heat when ignited, also THERMIT.
THERMOSETthermoset n. A thermosetting plastic.
THERMOSET v. of resin or plastic, to set permanently after melting and moulding.
UMPTEENTHumpteenth adj. (Informal, often slightly derogatory) Occurring in a relatively large but unspecified position in a sequence.
UMPTEENTH adj. the ordinal of umpteen.
UMPTEENTH n. an indefinitely large number in a sequence, also UMPTIETH, UMTEENTH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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