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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2E, H, L, O and U

ALEHOUSESalehouses n. Plural of alehouse.
ale-houses n. Plural of ale-house (alternative spelling of alehouses).
ALEHOUSE n. a tavern where ale is sold.
BEHOVEFULbehoveful adj. (Archaic) Needful or proper; beneficial; behoving.
BEHOVEFUL adj. (archaic) right, necessary.
EUROPHILEeurophile n. Alternative form of Europhile.
Europhile n. One who loves Europe, Europeans, or European culture.
Europhile n. A political supporter of the European Union.
HIERODULEhierodule n. (Historical, chiefly Ancient Greece) A temple slave, often one performing religious prostitution.
HIERODULE n. a temple slave in the service of a specified deity.
HOUSELEEKhouseleek n. Any of several succulent plants, of the genus Sempervivum, having a rosette of fleshy leaves.
HOUSELEEK n. a plant of the leek family.
HOUSELESShouseless adj. Lacking or in need of a house or home.
houseless adj. Homeless but not wanting for local ties, affiliations or roots in a particular community.
HOUSELESS adj. without a house.
HOUSELIKEhouselike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a house.
houselike adj. (Music) Similar to house music; housey.
house-like adj. Alternative spelling of houselike.
HOUSELINEhouseline n. (Nautical) A small line of three strands used for seizing.
HOUSELINE n. tarred marline, a line of two loosely twisted strands.
HOUSELLEDhouselled v. Simple past tense and past participle of housel.
HOUSEL v. to administer the Eucharist to.
LECHEROUSlecherous adj. Given to excessive sexual activity and debauchery.
LECHEROUS adj. lustful.
MOUTHFEELmouthfeel n. The texture of food, drink, etc. as perceived by the mouth.
MOUTHFEEL n. the sensory perception of a particular food while chewing.
ROUNDHEELROUNDHEEL n. an immoral woman.
THEOLOGUEtheologue n. A student of theology.
theologue n. A theologian.
THEOLOGUE n. a theologian, also THEOLOG.
WELLHOUSEwellhouse n. A small building that houses a well.
WELLHOUSE n. a structure above a well, housing the windlass.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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