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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2E, H, 2L and R

AEROSHELLaeroshell n. An aerodynamic shell that protects a spacecraft during travel from lift-off through the atmosphere from…
AEROSHELL n. a form of parachute to enable a space vehicle to make a soft landing.
BEERHALLSbeerhalls n. Plural of beerhall.
beer␣halls n. Plural of beer hall.
BEERHALL n. a large drinking place.
BUSHELLERbusheller n. A person who bushels, or repairs clothes.
busheller n. A person who packs grain, hops, etc. into bushel measures.
BUSHELLER n. one who bushels, mends and alters men's clothes, also BUSHELER, BUSHELMAN.
CHISELLERchiseller n. Alternative spelling of chiseler.
CHISELLER n. one who chisels; a swindler, also CHISELER.
FLESHLIERfleshlier adj. Comparative form of fleshly: more fleshly.
FLESHLY adj. pertaining to the body.
HAREBELLSharebells n. Plural of harebell.
HAREBELL n. the Scottish bluebell, also HAIRBELL.
HELLDIVERhelldiver n. Alternative form of hell-diver.
Helldiver prop.n. Nickname given to several models of dive bomber produced by Curtiss during World War II.
hell-diver n. The dabchick, or little grebe.
HELLEBOREhellebore n. Any of the common garden flowering plants of the genus Helleborus, in family Ranunculaceae, having supposed…
hellebore n. A toxic extract of certain false hellebores (Veratrum album or Veratrum viride), formerly used as a pesticide.
HELLEBORE n. any of various early-flowering plants constituting the genus Helleborus, of the buttercup family.
HELLERIESHELLERI n. a tropical fish.
HELLFIREShellfires n. Plural of hellfire.
HELLFIRE n. the torment of hell.
HIRSELLEDHIRSEL v. (Scots) to herd sheep.
HOSTELLERhosteller n. One who keeps a hostel or inn.
hosteller n. (Obsolete) A student in a hostel, or small unendowed college in Oxford or Cambridge.
HOSTELLER n. a person who lives in or uses a hostel, esp. a youth hostel, also HOSTELER.
HOVELLERShovellers n. Plural of hoveller.
HOVELLER n. a small coasting-vessel.
HUMMELLERhummeller n. Alternative form of hummeler.
HUMMELLER n. (dialect) a machine for removing barley awns.
RAKEHELLSrakehells n. Plural of rakehell.
rake-hells n. Plural of rake-hell.
RAKEHELL n. a man lacking in moral restraint.
RAKEHELLYrakehelly adj. (Obsolete) Synonym of rakehell.
rake-helly adj. Alternative form of rakehelly.
RAKEHELLY adj. like a rakehell, dissolute.
RELLISHEDrellished v. Simple past tense and past participle of rellish.
RELLISH v. (Shakespeare) to warble.
RELLISHESrellishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rellish.
rellishes n. Plural of rellish.
RELLISH v. (Shakespeare) to warble.
SHELLFIREshellfire n. Artillery bombardment.
SHELLFIRE n. the firing of shells.
SHOVELLERshoveller n. Alternative spelling of shoveler.
Shoveller prop.n. A surname.
SHOVELLER n. a kind of duck with a broad shovel-shaped bill, also SHOVELER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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